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    Joel Fischer, Kevin Corcoran, and David W. Springer.
    Summary: "This title serves as the definitive reference volume on assessment measures for both practice and research in clinical mental health. It includes hundreds of standardized measures for use in clinical practice and in research. It features instruments that are cross-indexed by problem area. New to this edition : a new preface ; new instruments for measuring children's clinical conditions ; new measures for couples and families ; six new chapters ; target searches for instruments in health care conditions, personality disorders, and addictions. One of the key challenges of all types of practice and research is finding a way to measure a given problem. The seminal Measures for Clinical Practice and Research two-volume set contains hundreds of the most useful assessment measurement tools - alongside the authors' guidance on how to select and score them - for use in clinical practice and in research. While the first volume focuses on measures for use with couples, families, and children, the second volume focuses on measures for use with adults whose conditions of concerns are not focused on family relationships or couple relationships. Both include an introduction to the basic principles of measurement, an overview of different types of measures, and an overview of Rapid Assessment Instruments. The texts also contain descriptions and reviews of each instrument and information on how they were selected. Each classic compendium serves as a powerful tool that clinicians and researchers alike will find to be an invaluable addition to - or update of - their libraries."--adapted from publisher description.

    Volume 1. Couples, families, and children
    [List of] Instruments for Couples
    [List of] Instruments for Families
    [List of] Instruments for Children
    [List of] Instruments for Adults (Vol. 2)
    [List of] Instruments Cross-Indexed by Problem Area (Vols. 1 and 2)
    Foreword / by Bruce A. Thyer
    Preface to the Sixth Edition
    Part 1. Measurement and Practice
    Chapter 1. Introduction
    Chapter 2. Basic Principles of Measurement
    Chapter 3. Types of Measurement Tools
    Chapter 4. Advantages and Disadvantages of Rapid Assessment Instruments
    Chapter 5. Selecting Measures for Practice
    Chapter 6. Administering the Instruments
    Part 2. Instruments for Practice and Research
    Instruments for Couples
    Instruments for Families
    Instruments for Children
    References. Volume 2. Adults
    [List of] Instruments for Adults
    [List of] Instruments for Couples (Vol. 1)
    [List of] Instruments for Families (Vol. 1)
    [List of] Instruments for Children (Vol. 1)
    [List of] Instruments Cross-Indexed by Problem Area (Vols. 1 and 2)
    Foreword / by Bruce A. Thyer
    Preface to the Sixth Edition
    Instruments for Practice and Research
    Introduction to Volume 2
    Instruments for Adults. Tests/Measurements covered in this book. Instruments for couples. Beier-Sternberg discord questionnaire
    Competitiveness scale
    Conflict in adolescent dating relationships inventory
    Construction of problems scale
    Controlling behaviours scale
    Dominance-accommodation scale
    Dual-career family scale
    Dual-employed coping scales
    Dyadic adjustment scale
    Equity/inequity scale
    Hendrick sexual attitude scale
    Hypothetical, jealousy-producing events scale
    Index of marital satisfaction
    Index of sexual satisfaction
    Inventory of dyadic heterosexual preferences
    Kansas marital conflict scale
    Kansas marital goals orientation scale
    Kansas marital satisfaction scale
    Life distress inventory
    Locke-Wallace marital adjustment test
    Marital aggrandizement scale
    Marital alterantives scale
    Marital comparison level index
    Marital conventionalization scale
    Marital happiness scale
    Marital instability index
    Miller marital locus of control scale
    Non-physical abuse of partner scale
    Ongoing violence assessment tool
    Partner abuse scale: non-physical
    Partner abuse scale: physical
    Passionate love scale
    Physical abuse of partner scale
    Positive feelings questionnaire
    Primary communication inventory
    Relationship assessment scale
    Relationship events scale
    Semantic differential of sex roles
    Sexual arousability inventory and sexual arousability inventory--expanded
    Sexual attitude scale
    Sexual behavior inventory--female
    Sexual behavior inventory--male
    Sexual enabling inventory
    Spouse sobriety influence inventory
    Spouse treatment mediation inventories
    Survey of heterosexual interactions
    Tests/Measurements covered in this book. Instruments for families. Adolescent-family inventory of life vents and changes
    Adult-adolescent parenting inventory
    Attitude toward the provision of long-term care
    Beck codependence assessment scale
    Boundary ambiguity scales 1-6
    Chinese family assessment instrument
    Co-dependence inventory
    Codependent questionnaire
    Conflict tactics scales
    Coping health inventory for parents
    Cultural receptivity in fostering scale
    Environmental assessment index
    Family adaptability and cohesion evaluation scale
    Family assessment device
    Family attachment and changeability index 8
    Family awareness scale
    Family beliefs inventory
    Family celebrations index
    Family coping coherence index
    Family coping index
    Family coping inventory
    Family crisis oriented personal evaluation scales
    Family distress index
    Family emotional involvement and criticism scale
    Family empowerment scale
    Family functioning scale
    Family hardiness index
    Family inventory of life vents and changes
    Family inventory of resources and management
    Family member well-being
    Family-of-origin scale
    Family organized cohesiveness scale
    Family pressures scale--ethnic
    Family problem-solving communication
    Family responsibility index
    Family responsibility scale-Spanish version and English version
    Family schema--ethnic
    Family sens of coherence and family adaptation scales
    Family times and routines index
    Family traditions scale
    Family unpredictability scale
    Fatherhood scale
    Fetal health locus of control scale
    Healthy families parenting inventory
    Index of brother and sister relations
    Index of family relations
    Index of parental attitudes
    Individuation test for emerging adults--in relation to father (ITEA-F)
    Individuation test for emerging adults--in relation to mother (ITEA-M)
    Kansas family life satisfaction scale
    Kansas personal satisfaction scale
    Level of expressed emotion
    Memory and behavior problems checklist
    MOM empowerment scale
    Needs inventory for caregivers of hospitalized elderly
    Nuclear family functioning scale
    Parent affect test
    Parent's report
    Parent-child relationship survey
    Parental attachment scale
    Parental authority questionnaire
    Parental bonding instrument
    Parental nurturance scale
    Parental tolerance scale
    Parenting scale
    Perinatal grief scale
    Realizations of filial responsibility
    Self-report family instrument
    Social support index
    Transracial adoption parenting scale
    Tests/Measurements covered in this book. Instruments for children. Adolescent concerns evaluation
    Adolescent coping orientation for problem experiences
    Adolescent domain screening inventory
    Arizona risk/needs assessment
    Arizona risk/needs assessment instrument
    Assertiveness scale for adolescents
    Behavioral self-concept scale
    Behavior rating index for children
    Belonging scale and belonging scale-revised
    Body investment scale
    Child dental control assessment
    Child report of posttraumatic symptoms and parent report of posttraumatic symptoms
    Childhood personality scale
    Child's attitude toward father and mother scales
    Children's action tendency scale

    Children and adolescent social and adaptive functioning scale
    Children's attributional style questionnaire--revised
    Children's belifes about parental divorce scale
    Children's cognitive assessment questionnaire
    Children's loneliness questionnaire
    Children's perceived self-control scale
    Children's somatization inventory
    Children's thoughts questionnaire
    Chinese ways of coping questionnaire
    Common belief inventory for students
    Companion animal bonding scale
    Compulsive eating scale
    Concern over weight and dieting scale
    Depression self-rating scale
    Drinking motives questionnaire
    Elementary school success profile
    Emotion regulation questionnaire for children and adolescents
    Eyberg child behavior inventory
    Family, friends, and self form
    Hare self-esteem scale
    Hawaiian culture scale--adolescent
    Homework problem checklist
    Hopelessness scale for children
    Hospital fears rating scale
    How I feel
    Impulsivity scale
    Index of peer relations
    Internet sex screening test-adolescent
    Inventory of parent and peer attachment
    Level of stability index for children
    Mood thermometers
    Multi-attitude suicide tendency scale
    Multigroup ethnic identity measure and MEIN-R
    Nowicki-Strickland locus of control scale
    Oregon mental health referral checklist--youth version, parents and staff
    Ostracism experience scale for adolescents
    Pain response inventory
    Peer and self-rating scale
    Perceived school experiences scale
    Perceived social competence scale
    Perceived scale for children
    Personal attribute inventory for children and nonsexist personal attribute inventory
    Positive and negative suicide ideation inventory
    Purpose in life--short form
    Reason for living inventory for adolescents
    Risk-taking and self-harm inventory for adolescents
    Rosenberg self-esteem scale
    Scale of racial socialization for adolescents
    Self-concept scale for children
    Self-control rating scale
    Shortform assessment scale for children
    Spider phobia questionnaire for children
    Urban hassles scale
    Young children's social desirability scale
    Youth coping index
    Youth coping response inventory --
    Print Access Request
    Call Number
    Books: General Collection (Downstairs)
    BF176 .F57 2020