BookEugene C. Toy [and others].
Summary: HERE'S HOW TO EXCEL IN YOUR NEUROLOGY CLERKSHIP AND ON THE USMLE STEP 3. You need exposure to cases to pass the USMLE and shelf exams and that's exactly what this innovative resource offers. "Case Files: Neurology" presents 55 high-yield clinical cases that each illustrate essential concepts in neurology. Every case includes an extended discussion, definitions of key terms, clinical pearls, and USMLE-style review questions. It's an interactive learning system that helps you learn instead of just memorize. Learn in the context of real cases, instead of just memorizing with: 55 neurology cases most likely to be tested on the clerkship exam Clinical pearls highlight key points Primer on how to approach the patient USMLE-style comprehension questions with each case.
Machine derived contents note: Case Files: Neurology
Section 1: Approach to Neurology
Section 2: 55 cases covering:
1. Movement Disorders
2. Physical Injury
3. Cerebrovascular Disorders
4. Epilepsy
5. Headache
6. Degenerative Diseases
7. Demyelineating Diseases
8. Infectious Diseases
9. Cranial Nerve Disorders
10. Peripheral
11. Pediatric Neurology
12. Neuro-oncology
Section 3: Listing of Cases by Topic and Alphabetically.
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