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  • edited by Sydney R. Coleman, Riccardo Mazzola, and Lee L.Q. Pu ; illustrated by Eric Olson, Wendy Hiller Gee and Kathy M. Grey.
    Digital Access
    Thieme MedOne Plastic Surgery
  • edited by Christine A. Hamori, Paul E. Banwell, Red Alinsod.
    Anatomy and classification of the female genitalia : implications for surgical management / Paul E. Banwell
    Psychosocial issues and social mores in female genital aesthetic surgery : what is normal? / Kharen Ichino, Jennifer L. Walden
    Informed consent and liability in cosmetic genital surgery / Neal R. Reisman
    Labial reduction : surgical wedge technique / Christine Hamori
    Labia minora reduction surgery : curved linear resection / Red Alinsod
    Labia majora reduction surgery : majoraplasty / Red Alinsod
    Clitoral hood reduction techniques / Otto J. Placik
    Augmentation of the labia majora with fat grafting / Lina Triana, Mildred M. Martínez, Paul E. Banwell
    Augmentation of the labia majora with fillers / Nicolas Berreni
    Complications of female cosmetic genital surgery / Christine Hamori
    Perineoplasty and vaginoplasty / Marco Pelosi II, Marco Pelosi III
    Hymenoplasty / Otto J. Placik
    Auxiliary procedures / Clara Santos, Red Alinsod
    Future avenues and advances / Colin C.M. Moore
    O-shot / Charles Runels
    Transcutaneous temperature-controlled radiofrequency for vulvovaginal rejuvenation / Red Alinsod
    Fractional erbium laser for vaginal rejuvenation / Evgenii Leshunov.
  • [edited by] Kayvan Shokrollahi, Iain S. Whitaker, Foad Nahai.
    Digital Access
    Thieme MedOne Plastic Surgery
  • [edited by] Thomas E. Rohrer, Jonathan L. Cook, Andrew J. Kaufman.
    Anatomy / Stuart J. Salasche and Stephen H. Mandy
    Basic principles in flap reconstruction / Ashley Wysong and Shauna Higgins
    Second intention healing and primary closure / MIchael Cosulich, Jeremy Etzkorn, Thuzar Myo Shin, and Christopher J. Miller
    Advancement flaps / Christie R. Travelute and Roberta Sengelmann
    Rotation flaps / Glenn Goldman
    V-Y flaps and island flaps / Joel Cook
    Transposition flaps / Ashish C. Bhatia, Joe Overman, and Thomas E. Rohrer
    Staged interpolation flaps / Tri H. Nguyen and Janet Li
    Skin grafts / Gerardo Marrazzo and John Albertini
    Scalp reconstruction / Justin J. Leitenberger and Ken K. Lee
    Forehead and temple repair / Mary L. Stevenson and John A. Carucci
    Periocular reconstruction / Andrea Willey
    Cheek reconstruction / Richard G. Bennett
    Ear reconstruction / Hayes B. Gladstone and Greg S. Morganroth
    Reconstruction of the nose / Jonathan L. Cook
    Perioral reconstruction / Joseph F. Sobanko
    Neck reconstruction / Anna Bar and Spring Golder
    Surgical complications and revision of scars / Cheryl Janene Gustafson and C. William Hanke.
    Digital Access ClinicalKey 2018
  • [edited by] Fu-Chan Wei, Samir Mardini.
    Problem analysis in reconstructive surgery : reconstructive ladders, elevators, and surgical judgment
    Classification of flaps
    Considerations in flap selection
    Emerging technology in reconstructive surgery
    Prefabrication and prelamination
    Tissue engineering
    Percutaneous aponeurotomy and lipofilling (palf) : a regenerative alternative to the flap
    Lymphedema : microsurgical reconstruction
    Robotic applications in plastic and reconstructive surgery
    Clinical anatomy of the head and neck, and recipient vessel selection
    Clinical anatomy and recipient vessel selection in the chest, abdomen, groin, and back
    Clinical anatomy and recipient vessel selection in the upper extremity
    Clinical anatomy and recipient vessel selection and exposure in the lower extremity
    Head and neck reconstruction
    Facial reanimation : evolution and refinements
    Breast reconstruction
    Chest and back reconstruction
    Abdominal wall reconstruction
    Pelvic and urogenital reconstruction
    Upper extremity reconstruction
    Adult brachial plexus injury (a-bpi) reconstruction
    Lower extremity reconstruction
    Functional muscle transfers for various purposes
    Thinning and tailoring
    Avoiding complications
    Flap re-exploration and salvage
    Postoperative care
    Reconstructive options following flap failure
    Local flaps in the head and neck : forehead, famm, submental, nasolabial and cervicofacial flaps
    Temporoparietal fascia flap
    Supraclavicular artery flap
    Pectoralis major flap
    Deltopectoral flap and internal mammary artery perforator flap
    Omentum, superior epigastric, and external/internal oblique flaps
    Rectus abdominis flap
    Jejunum flap
    Trapezius flap
    Scapular and parascapular flaps
    Latissimus dorsi flap
    Iliac flap
    Groin flap and superficial circumflex iliac artery perforator flap
    Gluteus flap
    Pedicled flaps of the hand
    Lateral arm flap
    Radial forearm flap
    Local flaps in the foot
    Gracilis flap
    Gastrocnemius flap
    Soleus flap
    Fibula flap
    Glabrous skin flaps
    Toe flaps and toe transplantation
    Medial femoral condyle and descending genicular artery perforator flaps
    Perforator flaps in the lateral thoracic region
    Deep and superficial inferior epigastric artery perforator flaps
    Superior and inferior gluteal artery perforator flaps
    Anterolateral and anteromedial thigh flaps
    Tensor fascia lata flap
    Posterior tibial artery perforator flap
    Free-style flaps
    Starting a reconstructive transplantation program
    Face transplantation
    Hand and upper extremity transplantation
    Laryngeal, abdominal wall, and uterus transplantation
    Immunology and research in reconstructive transplantation
    Peripheral nerve allotransplantation.
    Digital Access ClinicalKey 2016
  • M. Patrice Eiff, Robert Hatch ; Mariam K. Higgins, medical illustrator.
    Fracture management by primary care providers
    General principles of fracture care
    Finger fractures / co-author, Ryan C. Petering
    Metacarpal fractures / co-author, Charles W. Webb
    Carpal fractures / co-author, Ryan C. Petering
    Radius and ulna fractures / co-author, Adam Prawer
    Elbow fractures
    Humerus fractures
    Clavicle and scapula fractures
    Spine fractures
    Femur and pelvis fractures
    Patellar, tibial, and fibular fractures
    Ankle fractures
    Calcaneus and other tarsal fractures
    Metatarsal fractures / co-author, Michael Seth Smith
    Toe fractures
    Facial and skull fractures / co-author, John Malaty
    Rib fractures.
    Digital Access ScienceDirect 2018
  • M. Patrice Eiff, Robert Hatch.
    Fracture management in primary care and emergency medicine settings
    General principles of fracture care
    Finger fractures
    Metacarpal fractures
    Carpal fractures
    Radius and ulna fractures
    Elbow fractures
    Humerus fractures
    Clavicle and scapula fractures
    Spine fractures
    Femur and pelvis fractures
    Patellar, tibial, and fibular fractures
    Ankle fractures
    Calcaneus and other tarsal fractures
    Metatarsal fractures
    Toe fractures
    Facial and skull fractures
    Rib fractures
    Appendix (casting and splinting).
    Digital Access ClinicalKey 2020
  • Summary: "Future Medicine Ltd has developed an innovative publishing portfolio to reflect the advances in postgenomic medicine and to guide best clinical practice in modern medicine."--Publisher's website.
    Digital Access Database

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