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  • [edited by] Frank W. Sellke, Pedro J. del Nido, Scott J. Swanson.
    V. 1
    Sect. 1: Thoracic surgery
    Pt. A: Evaluation and care
    Pt. B: Endoscopy
    Pt. C: Trauma
    Pt. D: Trachea
    Pt. E: Benign lung disease
    Pt. F: Lung cancer
    Pt. G: Other lung malignancy
    Pt. H: Chest wall
    Pt. I: Pleura
    Pt. J: Diaphragm
    Pt. K: Esophagus-Benign disease
    Pt. L: Esophagus-cancer
    Pt. M: Mediastinum
    Pt. N: The future
    Sect. 2: Adult cardiac surgery
    Pt. A: Basic science
    Pt. B: Diagnostic procedures
    Pt. C: Medical- and catheter-based treatment of cardiovascular disease
    Pt. D: Perioperative and intraoperative care of the cardiac surgical patient
    V. 2
    Pt. E: Surgical management of aortic disease
    Pt. F: Surgical management of valvular heart disease
    Pt. G: Management of cardiac arrhythmias
    Pt. H: Surgical management of coronary artery disease and its complications
    Pt. I: Surgical management of heart failure
    Sect. 3: Congenital heart surgery.
    Digital Access ScienceDirect [2016]
  • [edited by] Courtney M. Townsend, Jr, R. Daniel Beauchamp, B. Mark Evers, Kenneth L. Mattox.
    Digital Access ClinicalKey 2022
  • Digital Access Decker v. 27-, 2004-
    Print Access Request
    Call Number
    Books: General Collection (Downstairs)
    v. 27-41, 2004-18.
    (including updates)
    R129 .S35
  • editors, Mitchel P. Goldman, Robert A. Weiss ; contributors, Jean-Jé́rôme Guex, Hugo Partsch, Michel R. Perrin, Albert-Adrien Ramelet, Stefano Ricci, Oscar Maleti, Marzia Lugli.
    1. Anatomy
    2. Adverse Sequelae and Complications of Venous Hypertension
    3. Pathophysiology of Varicose Veins
    4. Pathophysiology of Telangiectasias
    5. Noninvasive Examination of the Patient Before Sclerotherapy
    6. Use of Compression Therapy
    7. Mechanism of Action of Sclerotherapy
    8. Complications and Adverse Sequelae of Sclerotherapy
    10. Role of Surgery in the Treatment of Varicose Veins
    11. Intravascular Approaches to the Treatment of Varicose Veins : Radiofrequency, Lasers and More
    12. Clinical Methods for Sclerotherapy of Telangiectasias
    13. Treatment of Leg Telangiectasias with Laser and High-Intensity Pulsed Light
    14. Venoactive Drugs.
    Digital Access ClinicalKey 2017
  • T. Bradley Edwards, Brent J. Morris.
    Summary: "Focusing on all key aspects of shoulder replacement surgery and emphasizing on the latest techniques and tools, Shoulder Arthroplasty, 2nd Edition, brings you expert procedural approaches from two master surgeons in the field: Drs. T. Bradley Edwards and Brent J. Morris. Extensively illustrated, this technique-intensive reference provides step-by-step guidance on the most effective approaches to patients in everyday practice, including the variations and complications that surgeons invariably encounter. Focused, concise coverage includes indications and contraindications, preoperative planning and imaging, results and complications, and more"--Publisher's description.

    Section one: The basics. Evolution of shoulder arthroplasty
    Becoming a shoulder arthroplasty surgeon
    Operating room setup
    Anesthesia, patient positioning, and patient preparation
    Long head of the biceps tendon
    Section two: Unconstrained shoulder arthroplasty for chronic conditions. Indications and contraindications
    Preoperative planning and imaging
    Surgical approach
    Glenoid exposure
    Humeral component
    Glenoid component
    Soft tissue balancing
    Subscapularis and rotator interval repair
    Wound closure and postoperative orthosis
    Results and complications
    Section three: Reverse shoulder arthroplasty for chronic conditions. Indications and contraindications
    Preoperative planning and imaging
    Surgical approach
    Glenoid exposure
    Humeral component
    Glenoid component
    Reduction and deltoid tensioning
    Wound closure and postoperative orthosis
    Results and complications
    Section four: Arthroplasty for fracture. Indications and contraindications
    Preoperative planning and imaging
    Surgical approach (handling of the tuberosities)
    Humeral prosthetic positioning
    Tuberosity reduction and fixation
    Wound closure and postoperative orthosis
    Results and complications
    Section five: Alternatives to conventional shoulder arthroplasty. Stemless shoulder arthroplasty
    Biological alternatives to shoulder arthroplasty
    Section six: Revision shoulder arthroplasty. Indications and contraindications
    Preoperative planning, imaging, and special tests
    Surgical approach
    Humeral stem removal and glenoid exposure
    Glenoid component
    Wound closure and postoperative orthosis
    Results and complications
    Section seven: Postoperative rehabilitation. Rehabilitation following shoulder arthroplasty
    Section eight: The future. Future directions in shoulder arthroplasty.
    Digital Access ClinicalKey 2019
  • E. Christopher Orton, Eric Monnet ; illustrated by Molly Borman, Thomas O. McCracken.
    Cardiopulmonary function / Orton
    Cardiopulmonary monitoring and supportive care / Orton
    Instrumentation / Orton
    Thoracotomy / Orton
    Sternotomy / Orton
    Minimally-invasive thoracic surgery / Monnet, Orton
    Thoracostomy and pleural drainage / Monnet
    Thoracic wall / Monnet
    Pleural effusions / Monnet
    Pneumothorax / Monnet
    Thymoma and mediastinal masses / Monnet
    Esophagus / Orton
    Vascular ring anomalies / Monnet
    Trachea / Monnet
    Lung / Monnet
    Diaphragm / Orton
    Pericardium / Monnet, Orton
    Strategies for cardiac surgery / Orton
    Patent ductus arteriosus / Orton
    Pulmonary and aortic valves / Orton
    Tricuspid and mitral valves / Orton
    Congenital septal defects / Orton
    Cor triatriatum and double-chambered right ventricle / Orton
    Cardiac neoplasia / Orton
    Epicardial pacemaker implantation / Monnet.
    Digital Access Wiley 2018
  • Steven D. Waldman.
    Digital Access
  • [edited by] Alexander R. Vaccaro, Eli M. Baron.
    Closed cervical skeletal tong placement and reduction techniques
    Halo placement in the pediatric and adult patient
    Anterior odontoid resection : the transoral approach
    Odontoid screw fixation
    Anterior C1-C2 arthrodesis : lateral approach of Barbour and Whitesides
    Anterior cervical corpectomy/diskectomy
    Anterior resection of ossification of the posterior longitudinal ligament
    Cervical total disk replacement
    Occipital-cervical fusion
    C2 translaminar screw fixation
    Posterior C1-C2 fusion : harms and Magerl techniques
    Cervical spine : lateral mass screw fixation
    Cervical pedicle screw fixation
    Posterior cervical osteotomy techniques
    Posterior cervical laminoplasty
    Posterior cervical foraminotomy, microdiskectomy
    Subaxial cervical trauma classification and treatment
    Anterior thoracic diskectomy and corpectomy
    Anterior thoracolumbar spinal fusion via open approach for idiopathic scoliosis
    Operative management of scheuermann kyphosis
    Resection of intradural intramedullary or extramedullary spinal tumors
    Endoscopic thoracic diskectomy
    Vertical expandable prosthetic titanium rib opening wedge thoracostomy for congenital spinal deformities
    Posterior thoracolumbar fusion techniques for adolescent idiopathic scoliosis
    Thoracoplasty for rib deformity
    Complete vertebral resection for primary spinal tumors
    Surgical treatment of arachnoid cysts
    The adult surgical management of syringomyelia
    Surgical treatment of dural arteriovenous fistulas and arteriovenous malformations
    Adult scoliosis : classification and treatment
    Spinopelvic balance : preoperative planning and calculation
    Sacropelvic fixation
    Posterior far lateral diskectomy
    The lateral extracavitary approach for vertebrectomy
    Pedicle subtraction osteotomy for fixed sagittal imbalance
    Spondylolysis repair
    Surgical treatment of high-grade spondylolisthesis
    Interspinous process motion-sparing implant
    Anterior lumbar interbody fusion
    Transforaminal lumbar interbody fusion
    The transpsoas approach for thoracolumbar interbody fusion
    Lumbar total disk arthroplasty
    Minimally invasive exposure techniques of the lumbar spine
    Hemivertebrae resection
    Lumbar internal laminectomy
    Cortical screw fixation in the lumbar spine
    Spinal navigation : setup and workflow
    Thoracolumbar trauma classification and surgical treatment
    Sacral fixation
    Minimally invasive sacroiliac joint fusion.
    Digital Access
  • Summary: Programs feature prominent doctors presenting the latest health research.
    Digital Access Video [2007]-
  • Summary: Stanford medicine 25 is an initiative to revive the culture of bedside medicine. Geared toward 3rd and 4th year medical students and residents, practice of "The 25" entails hands-on teaching sessions to develop proper technique. The website provides summaries of key learning points for each session and other resources-- including guidelines, color images, videos and clinical pearls by Stanford medical faculty.

    1. Thyroid exam
    2. Gait abnormalities
    3. Examination of the spleen
    4. Examination of the liver
    5. Liver disease, head to foot
    6. Ascites & venous patterns
    7. Knee exam
    8. Shoulder exam
    9. Lymph node exam
    10. Deep tendon reflexes
    11. Cerebellar exam
    12. Fundoscopic exam
    13. Pulmonary exam
    14. Precordial movements
    15. Cardiac second sounds
    16. Neck veins & wave forms
    17. BP & pulsus parodoxus
    18. Ankle brachial index
    19. The hand in diagnosis
    20. Bedside ultrasound
    21. Rectal exam
    22. Pupillary responses
    23. Involuntary movements
    24. Internal capsule stroke
    25. The tongue in diagnosis.
    Digital Access Resource
  • Summary: "Paul Kalanithi, MD, was a Stanford neurosurgeon who was diagnosed with lung cancer in his mid-30s. He wrote a popular op-ed for The New York Times in early 2014 on confronting mortality. Here, he reflects on his changing perception of time as doctor, patient and new father. He died at 37 on March 9. The Stanford community mourns his loss."
    Digital Access c2015
  • [edited by] James C. Grotta, Gregory W. Albers, Joseph P. Broderick, Arthur L. Day, Scott E. Kasner, Eng H. Lo, Ralph L. Sacco, Lawrence K.S. Wong.
    Digital Access
  • editor, Gregory W. Randolph.
    Summary: "Surgery of the Thyroid and Parathyroid Glands empowers the reader to diagnose benign and malignant diseases effectively, implement the latest cutting-edge techniques, and achieve optimal patient outcomes. This surgical reference book encompasses the most up to date state of the art knowledge, presented by world-renown authors in thyroid and parathyroid surgery, in one concise yet comprehensive source, offering the detailed guidance you need to produce the best results"--Publisher's description.

    History of thyroid and parathyroid surgery
    Applied embryology of the thyroid and parathyroid glands
    Thyroid physiology and thyroid function testing
    Thyroglossal duct cysts and ectopic thyroid tissue
    Surgery of cervical and substernal goiter
    Approach to the mediastinum: transcervical, transsternal, and video-assisted
    Surgical management of hyperthyroidism
    Reoperation for benign thyroid disease
    The evaluation and management of thyroid nodules
    Fine-needle aspiration of the thyroid gland : the 2Bethesda system
    Fine-needle aspiration and molecular analysis
    Ultrasound of the thyroid and parathyroid glands
    Preoperative radiographic mapping of nodal disease for papillary thyroid carcinoma
    Laryngeal examination in thyroid and parathyroid surgery
    Radiofrequency and laser ablation of thyroid nodules and parathyroid adenoma
    Differentiated thyroid cancer incidence
    Molecular pathogenesis of thyroid neoplasia
    Papillary thyroid cancer
    Papillary thyroid microcarcinoma
    Papillary carcinoma observation
    Follicular thyroid cancer
    Noninvasive follicular thyroid neoplasm with papillary-like nuclear features (NIFTP)
    Dynamic risk group analysis and staging for differentiated thyroid cancer
    Hürthle cell tumors of the thyroid
    Sporadic medullary thyroid carcinoma
    Syndromic medullary thyroid cancer: MEN 2A and MEN 2B
    Anaplastic thyroid cancer and primary thyroid lymphoma
    Pediatric thyroid cancer
    Familial nonmedullary thyroid cancer
    Principles in thyroid surgery
    Robotic and extracervical approaches to the thyroid and parathyroid glands
    Transoral thyroidectomy
    Minimally invasive video-assisted thyroidectomy
    Surgical anatomy and monitoring of the superior laryngeal nerve
    Surgical anatomy and monitoring of the recurrent laryngeal nerve
    Surgery for locally advanced thyroid cancer: larynx, tracheal invasion, and esophageal
    Central neck dissection: indications and technique
    Lateral neck dissection: indications and technique
    Incisions in thyroid and parathyroid surgery
    Surgical pathology of the thyroid gland
    Pathophysiology of recurrent laryngeal nerve injury
    Management of recurrent laryngeal nerve paralysis
    Nonneural complications of thyroid and parathyroid surgery
    Quality assessment in thyroid and parathyroid surgery
    Ethics and malpractice in thyroid and parathyroid surgery
    Postoperative management of differentiated thyroid cancer
    Postoperative radioactive iodine ablation and treatment of differentiated thyroid cancer
    External beam radiotherapy for thyroid malignancy
    Reoperative thyroid surgery
    Nonsurgical treatment of thyroid cysts, nodules, thyroid cancer nodal metastases, and hyperparathyroidism: the role of percutaneous ethanol injection
    Medical treatment horizons for metastatic differentiated and medullary thyroid cancer
    Primary hyperparathyroidism: pathophysiology, surgical indications, and preoperative workup
    Guide to preoperative parathyroid localization testing
    Principles in surgical management of primary hyperparathyroidism
    Standard bilateral parathyroid exploration
    Minimally invasive single gland parathyroid exploration
    Minimally invasive video-assisted parathyroidectomy
    Intraoperative PTH monitoring during parathyroid surgery
    Surgical management of multiglandular parathyroid disease
    Surgical management of secondary and tertiary hyperparathyroidism
    Parathyroid management in the men syndromes
    Revision parathyroid surgery
    Parathyroid carcinoma
    Surgical pathology of the parathyroid glands.
    Digital Access ClinicalKey 2021
  • Summary: Symptom Media is an online mental health education and training film library. These innovative DSM 5 and ICD guided films offer visual guideposts to better understand what a particular mental health diagnosis looks like. Ranging from 30 seconds to 15 minutes, the films are currently integrated into undergraduate, graduate and professional courses as instructors use as: visual anchors for reference, lecture & discussion; help students identify, understand and recognize nonverbal cues & body language indicators; provide points of reference for cross comparisons & differentiate between diagnoses; learn assessment skills; and integrate in exams for competency testing.

    Volume 1. DSM 5 Military Series
    DSM 5
    ICD 10
    Assessment tools
    Coping mechanisms & defenses
    Human development stages
    Mental disorder / Illness symtoms
    Test section
    Volume 2. Assessment tools
    DSM 5
    ICD 10
    Volume 3. DSM 5 & ICD 10 guided case studies and assessment tools.

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