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  • Article
    Meng C, Tang A, Cong P, Dai T, Geng Y, Zhou E.
    ACS Appl Mater Interfaces. 2024 Jun 19;16(24):31428-31437.
    Exploring the structure-performance relationship of high-voltage organic solar cells (OSCs) is significant for pushing material design and promoting photovoltaic performance. Herein, we chose a D-π-A type polymer composed of 4,8-bis(thiophene-2-yl)-benzo[1,2-b:4,5-b']dithiophene (BDT-T) and benzotriazole (BTA) units as the benchmark to investigate the effect of the fluorination number and position of the polymers on the device performance of the high-voltage OSCs, with a benzotriazole-based small molecule (BTA3) as the acceptor. F00, F20, and F40 are the polymers with progressively increasing F atoms on the D units, while F02, F22, and F42 are the polymers with further attachment of F atoms to the BTA units based on the above three polymers. Fluorination positively affects the molecular planarity, dipole moment, and molecular aggregations. Our results show that VOC increases with the number of fluorine atoms, and fluorination on the D units has a greater effect on VOC than on the A unit. F42 with six fluorine atom substitutions achieves the highest VOC (1.23 V). When four F atoms are located on the D units, the short-circuit current (JSC) and fill factor (FF) plummet, and before that, they remain almost constant. The drop in JSC and FF in F40- and F42-based devices may be attributed to inefficient charge transfer and severe charge recombination. The F22:BTA3 system achieves the highest power conversion efficiency of 9.5% with a VOC of 1.20 V due to the excellent balance between the photovoltaic parameters. Our study provides insights for the future application of fluorination strategies in molecular design for high-voltage organic photovoltaics.
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