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  • Article
    Su A, Wang Q, Huang L, Zheng Y, Wang Y, Chen H.
    Nanoscale. 2023 Sep 21;15(36):14858-14865.
    The synthesis of homochiral nanostructures involves not only the chiral ligand, but also CTAB. The latter is often treated as a weak ligand unable to compete with the thiol-based chiral ligand. Here, we show that CTAB alone is able to induce Active Surface Growth on Au nanoplates, giving curved tips and steep ridges in the resulting nano-hexagrams. The growth materials (Au0) are diverted to a few active sites, whereas the rest of the Au surfaces are inhibited. Modulation of the growth rate by the ratio of ascorbic acid to Au precursor gives a continuous change of the growth modes, explaining the main trends of shape evolution and the inequivalent growth of the equivalent surfaces. With only CTAB as the ligand, the fact that ridges and spikes could be formed in defiance of facet control suggests that the role of CTAB cannot be ignored in the chiral synthesis and that the precise modulation of the Active Surface Growth could be the key to rational synthetic controls.
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