ArticleZhu T, Guo G, Li W, Gao M.
ACS Omega. 2022 Dec 27;7(51):47601-47609.
Imogolite nanotubes (INTs) were synthesized from tetraethoxysilane, aluminum nitrate nonahydrate, and ammonia solution by the method of Arancibia-Miranda, and their dispersion was modified by 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium hexafluorophosphate ([BMIM]PF6) to obtain ionic liquid (IL)-functionalized INTs (INTs-PF6-ILs). Then, the flame retardant INTs-PF6-ILs was complexed with ammonium polyphosphate (APP) and applied to unsaturated polyester resin (UPR). The limiting oxygen index value and the UL-94 level of the UPR/APP/INTs-PF6-ILs composites reached 28 and V-0, respectively. The residual carbon of the composites in thermogravimetric analysis increased by 19.47%, compared with that of pure UPR. The cone calorimeter test result showed that the peak of heat release rate and total heat rate values of the UPR/APP/INTs-PF6-ILs composites were lowered by 41 and 34% than those of the pure UPR, respectively. The effect of heat combustion and the maximum mass loss rate of UPR/APP/INTs-PF6-ILs composites were also greatly decreased. There were no holes or folds observed on the surface of the UPR/APP/INTs-PF6-ILs composites' residual carbon in scanning electron microscopy images. The intact residual carbon could have effectively insulated the heat and oxygen to improve the flame retardant performance.