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  • Article
    Larson BL.
    J Dairy Sci. 1978 Jul;61(7):1023-9.
    The dairy goat has been used widely in lactation research due in large part to availability, convenience in size and handling, economic considerations, and similarity to the cow as a ruminant species in general and metabolic processes. Considerable basic knowledge of lactation relating to all species has been derived from studies with goats. Although the gross composition of goat and cow milk is similar, significant differences reflect differing synthetic functions. Caution is necessary in using the goat as a model for the dairy cow where differences occur. Some are obvious such as the gross structure of the mammary gland and differing milk constituents. Others are more subtle, such as the susceptibility to metabolic diseases associated with lactation and differing rates of metabolism affecting transfer of dietary and administered materials into milk.
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