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  • Article
    Cendrowski W, Sobczyk W.
    Eur Neurol. 1977;16(1-6):257-62.
    25 patients with multiple sclerosis (MS) and other spastic disorders, 33 MS patients and 10 control patients with MS were given clonazepam, baclofen or placebo over a period of 5 days to 20 weeks. Both clonazepam and baclofen were significantly more effective than placebo in the treatment of spasticity (p less than 0.005 or p less than 0.01). A clinical trial of clonazepam versus baclofen was carried out and this showed no significant difference between the two drugs. However, there was indication that clonazepam influenced with better improvement in patients with slight muscle hypertonia mainly of cerebral origin. Patients with more severe forms, mainly of spinal spasticity, benefited rather from baclofen treatment (Fisher's test, p = 0.003). There was suggestion that combination of the two drugs may be more effective in some patients than than clonazepam or baclofen alone.
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