ArticleGangadharam PR, Simmons CS, Stager CE.
Am Rev Respir Dis. 1978 Jul;118(1):148-50.
The suitability of phage-impregnated paper discs for the phage typing of mycobacteria was studied. The relevance of the routine test dilution, the volume of the phage used, the mode of incubation, and the effect of prolonged storage of phage-impregnated paper discs were considered. By using paper discs, each impregnated with one of 5 different mycobacteriophages (BG1, BK1, G37, CRI-3 and LG) that lyse Mycobacterium smegmatis 607B, it was determined that 100 x the routine test dilution in a volume of at least 20 microliter was required for phage lysis. Soaked and dried paper discs produced larger areas of lysis than those with 20-microliter volumes. Soaked discs were found to be stable even after storage for 8 weeks at 4 degrees C.