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    Iitaka K, Martin LW, Cox JA, McEnery PT, West CD.
    J Pediatr. 1978 Aug;93(2):216-20.
    Of 14 potential anencephalic donors, the kidneys of six were transplanted to recipients ranging in age from 4 to 19 years and in weight from 8 to 49 kg. In three recipients, serum creatinine levels are less than 1.0 mg/dl 1.5 to 9.5 years after transplant. The transplants failed in two for technical reasons; in one, the kidneys were lost by rejection. The other anencephalic infants were not suitable as donors because of rapid deterioration of vital signs (4), ABO incompatibility (3), and inability to perfuse the kidney (1). Successfully transplanted kidneys from this source rapidly increase in size and function to accomodate even large recipients.
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