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  • Article
    Ogurtsov RP, Zheleznikova GF.
    Zh Mikrobiol Epidemiol Immunobiol. 1978 Mar(3):45-50.
    The authors studied the influence of the serum obtained at various periods after the administration of interferon inductors (New castle disease virus, amino ethylisothiouronium, E. coli endotoxin) on the rate of rejection of the skin or cell transplant of mice C3H and CBA, and also CC57Br. The allogenous skin transplant perished more rapidly; there was also an acceleration of elimination of allogenous lymphoid cells, suppression of colony formation by the cells of allogenous bone marrow in the spleen of the irradiated recipient in administration of the serum obtained at the period of maximal content of interferon induced by the Newcastle disease virus and by amino ethylisothiouronium. The cytotoxic activity of lymphocytes of mice CC57Br against the allogenous target cells rose in the presence of these sera. The serum containing interferon induced with E. coli endotoxin failed to influence the rate of the allotransplant rejection and did not increase the cytotoxic activity of lymphocytes.
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