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  • Article
    Gong P, Liu H, Wang G, Yao J, Dai X.
    Bioresour Technol. 2021 Nov;339:125618.
    In this study, the feasibility of employing hydrothermal pretreatment (HTPT) to improve the composting of oxytetracycline fermentation residue (OFR) was evaluated by investigating the depletion of oxytetracycline (OTC) and evolution of dissolved organic matter (DOM). HTPT drastically declined the final content of OTC and its main transformation intermediates in OFR compost from 89.96 to 2.61 mg/kg. Although HTPT slightly increased the DOM content and significantly decreased the contents of biodegradable and humified compounds in OFR compost, it did not significantly change the germination index of OFR compost. Nevertheless, the time required for the overall pattern of DOM parameters to reach stabilization was shortened from 28 to 14 days by HTPT. Taken together, although HTPT did not change the maturity degree of OFR compost, it obviously shortened the OFR composting cycle and lowered the potential risk of OFR compost, confirming that HTPT could efficiently improve the OFR composting.
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