ArticleDickel H, Fehlberg J.
Berl Munch Tierarztl Wochenschr. 1978 Jan 01;91(1):5-9.
504 diagnostic samples were subjected to a fluorescence serology and culturah test for black quarter and malignant oedema. In 459 cases (91.1%) the results of both testing methods wede identical. 26 first results were made by culture (14 X malignant oedema, 12 X black quarter). 19 results (14 malignant oedema, 5 X black quarter) were obtained by immuno-fluorescence only. Culture was shown to be not significantly better than fluorescence, especially in determining black quarter. In the diagnosis of black quarter and malignant oedema the combination of immunofluorescence with culture can be considered as the optimal testing method available at the present time, in that by this method there would be no need for an additional diagnostic test on the animal.