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  • Article
    Ma C, Liu F, Xie P, Zhang K, Yang J, Zhao J, Zhang H.
    J Hazard Mater. 2021 08 05;415:125618.
    Atmospheric deposition is the primary source of external environmental media for lead (Pb) influx in wheat grains. However, the mechanisms of Pb grain absorption remains unclear. We explored this mechanism through comparative experiments, involving defoliating leaf blades (TG) and a control group (CK) of field wheat after the anthesis stage. Scanning electron microscopy coupled with energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy analysis displayed that leaves and ears can directly absorb atmospheric deposition Pb through stomata. Compared with CK, the yield, grain Pb content, and grain Pb accumulation of TG wheat were significantly decreased by 13.25%, 22.10%, and 32.58%, respectively. Combined with the Pb isotope analysis, the ear had the highest contribution to grain Pb followed by leaf and root. Simultaneously, the absorption rate of grain Pb demonstrated a dynamic trend of "N" shape. Dominant contribution periods of the root, leaf, and ear organs to grain Pb accumulation were different. Unlike the root system, the contribution of the aboveground to grain Pb increased gradually, and the contribution of leaf and ear to grain Pb were mainly concentrated in the early and late filling stage, respectively. Our findings can provide a theoretical basis for the control of Pb pollution in grains.
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