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    Tkaczewska J, Kulawik P, Jamróz E, Guzik P, Zając M, Szymkowiak A, Turek K.
    Food Chem. 2021 Jul 30;351:129347.
    In this study, two active packaging types were produced: single-layer biopolymer films with a polysaccharide - furcellaran and carp skin gelatin hydrolysate; two-layer films with identical composition, but synthetic peptide Alanina-Tyrosine addition. The procedure objective was multiplying antioxidant effects of the hydrolysate complexed with furcellaran. Films were used on Atlantic mackerel (storage 4 °C, 15 days); samples were analysed for changes in microbiological quality, TVB-N, biogenic amine content, fatty acid composition, TBARS. Consumer analysis was performed characterising mackerel carcass perception depending on implemented active coatings. The developed innovative single- and double-layer coatings effectively slow down lipid oxidation processes, especially at the initial period of Atlantic mackerel storage in refrigerated conditions. The coatings effectively inhibited microorganism growth, extending shelf-life by 2 days, single-layer coatings showing greater efficiency. According to consumers, coating application did not adversely affect product attractiveness parameters. The developed innovative coatings show great applicative potential as a new active packaging for perishable foods.
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