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  • Book
    edited by Heide Schatten.
    Sperm Selection Techniques and their Relevance to ART / Luke Simon, Monis B Shamsi, Douglas T Carrell
    In Vitro Maturation of Human Oocytes: Current Practices and Future Promises / Catherine MH Combelles
    Molecular Biology of Endometriosis / Jayasree Sengupta, G Anupa, Muzaffer Ahmed Bhat, Debabrata Ghosh
    Novel Immunological Aspects for the Treatment of Age-induced Ovarian and Testicular Infertility, Other Functional Diseases, and Early and Advanced Cancer Immunotherapy / Antonin Bukovsky
    Mitochondrial Manipulation for Infertility Treatment and Disease Prevention / Tetsuya Ishii
    Novel Imaging Techniques to Assess Gametes and Preimplantation Embryos / Jason E Swain
    Clinical Application of Methods to Select In Vitro Fertilized Embryos / Kirstine Kirkegaard, Thomas F Dyrlund, Hans Jakob Ingerslev
    New Horizons/Developments in Time-Lapse Morphokinetic Analysis of Mammalian Embryos / Serdaroğullari Munevver, Necati Findikli, Mustafa Bahceci
    The Non-Human Primate Model for Early Human Development / Stuart Meyers, Renee Riejo-Pera
    Cytoskeletal Functions, Defects, and Dysfunctions Affecting Human Fertilization and Embryo Development / Heide Schatten, Qing-Yuan Sun.
    Digital Access Wiley 2017
  • Article
    Pucci P, Turchetto E.
    Clin Ter. 1977 Aug 15;82(3):269-94.
    Digital Access Access Options