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  • Article
    Silver JG, Martin AW, McBride BC.
    J Clin Periodontol. 1977 May;4(2):92-9.
    Ninety-six subjects were assigned to one of four groups according to severity of gingival inflammation and bacterial plaque accumulation on the teeth. Following a standardized toothbrushing procedure, blood specimens from a vein in the antecubital fossa were cultured under aerobic and stringent anaerobic conditions. The percentage of positive cultures increased significantly with increasing severity of gingival inflammation, as did the number of species of organisms isolated. Thirty different microbial species indigenous to the oral cavity, including many strict anaerobes, were recovered. The study has implications for standards of oral health which might be considered necessary in patients with congenital or acquired endocardial defects or cardiovascular prostheses.
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