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  • Book
    Shanda H. Blackmon, Karen J. Dickinson, editor.
    Summary: This atlas provides a comprehensive, state-of-the-art review of all interventions that pertain to the esophagus. It includes a review of the current staging modalities, ablation technologies, resection and reconstruction techniques, and disease classification. Evidence-based guidelines regarding how each intervention is chosen are also included. With color illustrations and photographs for each surgery, the atlas details specific anatomic topics such as micro-anatomy of Barrett's and Dysplasia, EMR pathology, endoscopic ultrasound, and conventional surgical anatomy. Each intervention is presented in task format as a task list to be checked-off as each step is completed. Written by experts in the field, Atlas of Esophageal Disease and Intervention: A Multidisciplinary Approach serves as a valuable resource for any practitioner who performs esophageal intervention and will guide new surgeons and gastroenterologists into the hybrid multidisciplinary approach to this disease.

    Gross Anatomy
    Histologic Anatomy
    Esophageal Anatomy As Seen During Endoscopy and Basic Endoscopic Orientation
    Radiographic Anatomy
    Mapping Esophageal Disease With Endoscopic Ultrasound
    Endoluminal Interventions
    Surgical Techniques
    Management of Esophageal Leaks and Fistulas
    Esophagostomy Management
    Esophageal Reconstruction.
    Digital Access Springer 2015
  • Article
    Burroughs LF.
    J Assoc Off Anal Chem. 1977 Jan;60(1):100-3.
    The affinity of patulin for sulfur dioxide (SO2) is much less than was previously reported and is of little significance at the SO2 concentrations (below 200 ppm) used in the processing of apple juice and cider. However, at concentrations of 2000 ppm SO2 and 15 ppm patulin, combination was 90% complete in 2 days. Removal of SO2 liberated only part of the patulin, which suggests that 2 mechanisms are involved: one reversible (opening the hemiacetal ring) and one irreversible (SO2 addition at the double bond). Test with 2 yeasts used in English commercial cider making confirmed that patulin is effectively removed during yeast fermentation.
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