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  • Book
    Arthur N. Popper, Anthony Hawkins, editors.
    Summary: The meeting of Aquatic Noise 2013 will introduce participants to the most recent research data, regulatory issues and thinking about effects of man-made noise and will foster critical cross-disciplinary discussion between the participants. Emphasis will be on the cross-fertilization of ideas and findings across species and noise sources. As with its predecessor, The Effects of Noise on Aquatic Life: 3rd International Conference will encourage discussion of the impact of underwater sound, its regulation and mitigation of its effects. With over 100 contributions from leading researchers, a wide range of sources of underwater sound will be considered.
    Digital Access Springer 2016
  • Article
    Esterly NB, Furey NL, Kirschner BS, Kretschmer RR, Septon RM.
    Arch Dermatol. 1977 Jan;113(1):42-6.
    The clinical features, laboratory studies, and therapeutic responses of two boys with chronic bullous dermatosis of childhood are described. Direct immunofluorescent preparations of sections from a lesion, skin adjacent to a lesion, and uninvolved skin demonstrated linear deposition of IgA at the dermoepidermal junction in all three biopsy specimens from one patient. Similar preparations from the second child were negative for staining. No circulating antibodies to skin components were detected in either child by means of multiple substrates. Neither child had clinical manifestations nor laboratory findings suggestive of an associated gastrointestinal lesion; therefore, small bowel biopsies were not performed. Immunologic studies failed to demonstrate any of the abnormalities frequently described in dermatitis herpetiformis. Both boys responded dramatically to sulfapyridine therapy.
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