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    Gésan-Guiziou G, Alaphilippe A, Andro M, Aubin J, Bockstaller C, Botreau R, Buche P, Collet C, Darmon N, Delabuis M, Girard A, Grateau R, Kansou K, Martinet V, Membré JM, Sabbadin R, Soler LG, Thiollet-Scholtus M, Tonda A, Van-Der-Werf H.
    Data Brief. 2019 Aug;25:104204.
    This data article contains annotation data characterizing Multi Criteria Assessment (MCA) Methods proposed in the agri-food sector by researchers from INRA, Europe's largest agricultural research institute (INRA, MCA can be used to assess and compare agricultural and food systems, and support multi-actor decision making and design of innovative systems for crop production, animal production and processing of agricultural products. These data are stored in a public repository managed by INRA (;
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