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  • Article
    Tuomilehto J, Pohjola M.
    Ann Clin Res. 1978 Feb;10(1):24-9.
    The antihypertensive effects on metoprolol and pindolol were compared in 50 patients with essential hypertension belonging to WHO stage 1 or 2. After four weeks of placebo treatment the patients were randomly allocated to treatment with metoprolol or pindolol. During the initial dose-titration period of six weeks the dose was individually adjusted, aiming at a diastolic blood pressure in the seated position less than 95 mm Hg. The maximum possible dosage for metoprolol was 50, 100 and 150 mg b.i.d. and for pindolol 5, 10 and 15 mg b.i.d. Thereafter followed a fixed-dose period of 20 weeks. Six patients did not complete the study. At the end of the study satisfactory blood pressure control, defined as a diastolic blood pressure in the seated position less than 95 mm Hg, was achieved in 15 of the 20 patients (75%) in the metroprolol group and in 13 out of 24 patients (54%) in the pindolol group. The average reduction in diastolic blood pressure was more pronounced with metoprolol than with pindolol, while no difference was found between the two beta-blockers with regard to the reduction of the systolic blood pressure. Generally, metoprolol and pindolol were both well tolerated by the patients.
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