ArticleVenegas PJ, Echevarria LY, Alvarez SC.
Zootaxa. 2014 Jan 03;3753:47-58.
We describe a new species of Stenocercus from the interandean valley of Río Chotano on the Amazonian slope of the northern portion of the Cordillera Occidental of Peru (Cajamarca Region), at elevations of between 1997 and 2318 m. Stenocercus arndti sp. nov. differs from other Stenocercus, except from S. bolivarensis, S. carrioni, S. chlorostictus, S. crassicaudatus, S. empetrus, S. eunetopsis, S. simonsii, and S. torquatus, in having granular scales on the posterior surface of the thighs, two caudal whorls per autotomic segment, mucronate caudal scales, and distinct longitudinal row of enlarged vertebral scales. However, Stenocercus arndti sp. nov. is easily distinguished from these species in having a bold black transversal band at midbody that extends ventrolaterally in adult males.