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    Varga T, Kumar A, Vlahos E, Denev S, Park M, Hong S, Sanehira T, Wang Y, Fennie CJ, Streiffer SK, Ke X, Schiffer P, Gopalan V, Mitchell JF.
    Phys Rev Lett. 2009 Jul 24;103(4):047601.
    We report the magnetic and electrical characteristics of polycrystalline FeTiO_{3} synthesized at high pressure that is isostructural with acentric LiNbO_{3} (LBO). Piezoresponse force microscopy, optical second harmonic generation, and magnetometry demonstrate ferroelectricity at and below room temperature and weak ferromagnetism below approximately 120 K. These results validate symmetry-based criteria and first-principles calculations of the coexistence of ferroelectricity and weak ferromagnetism in a series of transition metal titanates crystallizing in the LBO structure.
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