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  • Book
    aus dem Lateinischen übers. von Günther Goldschmidt ; bearb. und hrsg. von Heinrich Buess.
    Contents: <br/
    >1. Buch. Funktionelle Störungen des Sinnes und der Bewegung.
    Print Access Request
    Call Number
    Books: History - LC Classification (Downstairs)
    R128.6 .P71 1963
  • Article
    Hegner D, Petter A, Kroker R, Anwer MS, Scharmann W, Breuninger V.
    Naunyn Schmiedebergs Arch Pharmacol. 1976;293(1):49-55.
    Leucocidin from Pseudomonas aeruginosa (strain 158) induced loss of potassium from isolated hepatocytes. The (Na+-K+) stimulated ATPase activity of isolated rat liver plasma membranes showed dose-dependent activation up to 56%. Electron-spin-resonance (ESR) measurements gave no indication of toxin-induced changes in membrane fluidity. On isolated guinea pig heart auricles the toxin produced an increase in frequency from 180/min to about 300/min, with arrhythmia and transitory flutter. On isolated nerve-diaphragm preparations the toxin caused a contracture and a decline in twitch tension, with a loss of potassium into the bathing solution. The action potential of the electrically stimulated N. ischiadicus of rat or frog was not affected when leucocidin was added to the bathing solution up to a concentration of 10 micrograms/ml.
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