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  • Book
    by Åke Rieger and Sten-Otto Liljedahl.
    -- Changes in blood volume and plasma proteins after bleeding and immediate substitution with physiologic saline, dog plasma and dog albumin in the splenectomized dog / Å. Rieger
    3. Changes in blood volume and plasma proteins after bleeding and immediate substitution with Macrodex. Rheomacrodex and Physiogel in the splenectomized dog / Å. Rieger
    4. Importance of thoracic duct lymph in restitution of plasma volume and plasma proteins after bleeding and immediate substitution in the splenectomized dog / S
    O. Liljedahl and Å. Rieger.
    Access via Acta chirurgica Scandinavica. 1967; 379
    Call Number
    v. II-IV, 1967.
    SHELVED AS A PERIODICAL UNDER: Acta chirurgica Scandinavica. Supplementum ; 379.