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  • Journal
    Summary: Includes descriptions of physical and physiochemical analytical methods and assays, containers, reagents, standard and buffer solutions plus dosage forms and biological tests.
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    Reference (Shelved at Information Desk)
    RS141.28 .E95
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    RS141.28 .E95
  • Article
    Laguens RP, Colmerauer ME, Segal A, Pasqualini CD.
    Int J Cancer. 1978 Jun 15;21(6):779-83.
    In an experimental model conditioning for enhancement, an AKR lymphoma was made to grow in BALB/c mice, permitting the simultaneous comparison of tumor-bearing (progressor) and tumor-rejecting (regressor) animals. By immunofluorescence using as target AKR lymphoma and normal thymus cells, both acetone-fixed and unfixed, it was observed that the allogeneic progressor serum contained three antibodies, two of which could be asborbed by thymocytes while the other combined selectively with the acetone-fixed lymphoma target. This tumor-specific antibody could not be detected in regressor serum which, on the other hand, could be completely absorbed by thymocytes. The identification of this acetone-resistant tumor antigen led to the preparation of aceton-treated acellular lymphoma extracts: a precipitate was obtained which upon inoculation in BALB/c mice produced an antiserum that combined selectively with lymphoma targets. In vivo experiments showed that pretreatment with this antigen led to a significant increase in allogeneic tumor incidence, 76% as compared to 37% in the controls. It is concluded that in this allogeneic model, an acetone-resistant tumor-specific antigen and the corresponding antibody are involved in tumor enhancement.
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