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  • Book
    Karen Kelsky, Ph.D.
    Summary: Offers career guidance to Ph.D. degree holders, addressing such issues as publishing, interviews, CVs, cultivating references, avoiding career path mistakes, and transitioning to non-academic work.

    Part I. Dark times in the academy. The end of an era ; Breaking out of the ivory tower ; The myths grad students believe
    Part II. Getting your head in the game. The tenure track job search process explained ; Stop acting like a grad student! ; The attributes of a competitive tenure track candidate ; Building a competitive record ; Your campaign platform ; Why they want to reject you ; When to go on the market and how long to try ; Where are the jobs? Institution types and ranks ; Where and how to find reliable advice ; Why "yourself" is the last person you should be
    Part III. The nuts and bolts of a competitive record. Take control of your CV ; Getting teaching experience ; Publish this, not that ; Why you want and need grants ; Cultivating your references ; Applying to conferences ; How to work the conference
    Part IV. Job documents that work. The academic skepticism principle ; What's wrong with your cover letter ; Tailoring with dignity ; Rules of the academic CV ; Just say no to the weepy teaching statement ; Evidence of teaching effectiveness ; The research statement ; What is a diversity statement, anyway? ; The dissertation abstract
    Part V. Techniques of the academic interview. Academic job interview basics ; The key questions in an academic interview ; The conference interview (including phone and Skype) ; The campus visit ; The job talk ; The teaching demo ; How to talk to the dean ; They said what? Handling outrageous questions ; Waiting, wondering, Wiki
    Part VI. Navigating the job market minefield. Good job candidates gone bad ; Fear of the inside candidate ; Wrangling recalcitrant references ; Managing your online presence ; Evaluating campus climate ; When you feel like you don't belong ; What if you're pregnant? ; What not to wear ; Covering the costs
    Part VII. Negotiating an offer. Don't be afraid to negotiate ; The rare and elusive partner hire ; The rescinded offer--who is in the wrong?
    Part VIII. Grants and postdocs. The foolproof grant template ; Proving your project is worthy ; The postdoc application: How it's different and why ; The good and the bad of postdocs
    Part IX. Some advice about advisors. Best advisors, worst advisors ; A good advisor is not nice ; Ph.D. debt and ethical advising
    Part X. Leaving the cult. It's OK to quit ; Let yourself dream ; 100+ skills that translate outside the academy ; Collecting information ; Applying while Ph.D. Breaking free: The path of the entrepreneur ; Declaring independence.
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    BioSciences Career Center Collection (Duck Room)
    Prof Dev 129