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  • Book
    James W.H. Sonne, PhD.
    Summary: "Photographic Dissector for Students of Physical Therapy: A Step-by-Step Approach is designed to facilitate a mixed approach to cadaveric human dissection for students of physical therapy. This Dissector has been specifically modelled to follow the curriculum of Doctor of Physical Therapy programs, which often includes simultaneous courses in kinesiology and physiology. This dissection sequence benefits from, but does not require, concurrent study of kinesiology with musculoskeletal dissection, and physiology with the central nervous system and visceral dissections. Furthermore, this Dissector features clinical descriptions common to the Doctor of Physical Therapy that bring to life the anatomical structures and that provide a meaning to the laboratory work while inspiring diagnostic thinking about structure and function. Each chapter contains a checklist of important structures, the terms in bold within the step-by-step instructions, which provides a reference for studying. Also, chapters contain licensing exam-style multiple choice questions. Answers to those questions, along with explanations and strategies for working through the questions, can be found in the back of the book"-- Provided by publisher.

    The Back
    The Upper Limb
    The Lower Limb
    The Head and Neck
    The Brain
    The Thorax
    The Abdomen and Pelvis.
    Digital Access AccessPhysiotherapy 2020