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  • Book
    Brady, Tammy M.; Flynn, Joseph T.; Ingelfinger, Julie R.
    Summary: For the past 17 years, Pediatric Hypertension has served as the definitive reference text on hypertension in children and adolescents. Each edition has incorporated the latest research on the pathophysiology, clinical significance and management of hypertension in the young, and has incorporated the most current consensus guidelines on diagnosis and management. The years since publication of the fourth edition have seen further advances in the field that merit publication of an updated, expanded text, including: Analysis of the implications of updated hypertension guidelines on identification of youth at highest cardiovascular risk Additional data on the proximate effects of high blood pressure in children in adolescents Further understanding of the links between high blood pressure in youth and surrogate markers of adult cardiovascular disease The fifth edition is a readable, informative text that provides a comprehensive guide to the diagnosis, management and therapy of hypertension in children and adolescents, and presents new data that very clearly indicate that the origins of adult cardiovascular disease are rooted in pediatric hypertension. It will, as a result, be very important for therapeutic decisions and will also be highly relevant for those in internal medicine, who care for the millions of adults who have hypertension, cardiovascular disease and kidney disease. In this sense, the book fulfills the longstanding goal of showing that hypertension that begins in childhood is important to track, diagnose and treat, and that the present understanding of adult hypertension necessitates the study of blood pressure in youth. The fifth edition has a similar structural format to the prior editions and covers all aspects of pediatric hypertension, from basic science research to the most recent clinical information.

    Neurohumoral and Autonomic Regulation of Blood Pressure
    Vasoactive Factors and Blood Pressure in Children
    Cardiovascular Influences on Blood Pressure
    Ions and Fluid Dynamics in Hypertension
    Uric Acid in the Pathogenesis of Hypertension
    Insulin Resistance and Other Mechanisms of Obesity Hypertension
    Monogenic and Polygenic Contributions to Hypertension
    Perinatal Programming and Blood Pressure
    Heritability and Familial Aggregation of Blood Pressure
    The Role of Dietary Electrolytes and Childhood Blood Pressure Regulation
    Endothelial Dysfunction and Vascular Remodeling in Hypertension
    Early life stress and blood pressure
    Salt Sensitivity in Childhood Hypertension
    Early vascular aging in childhood hypertension
    Methodology of Casual Blood Pressure Measurement
    Value of Routine Screening for Hypertension in Childhood
    Development of Blood Pressure Norms and Definition of Hypertension in Children
    Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring Methodology and Norms in Children
    Methodology and Applicability of Home Blood Pressure Monitoring in Children and Adolescents
    Epidemiology of Hypertension and CVD in Children
    Ethnic Differences in Childhood Blood Pressure
    Obesity Hypertension: Clinical Aspects
    Hypertension in Children with Type 2 Diabetes or the Metabolic Syndrome
    Primary Hypertension in Children
    White Coat Hypertension
    Hypertension in Chronic Kidney Disease
    Hypertension in End-Stage Renal Disease: Dialysis
    Hypertension in End-Stage Renal Disease: Transplantation
    Renovascular Hypertension, Vasculitis and Aortic Coarctation
    Endocrine Hypertension
    Neonatal and Infant Hypertension
    Sleep Apnea and Hypertension
    Hypertension in the Pregnant Teenager
    Cognitive and Behavioral Aspects of Childhood Hypertension
    Stroke and Childhood hypertension
    Substance-Induced Hypertension: Mechanisms and Management
    Hypertension in Oncology and Stem-cell Transplant Patients
    Hypertension in Older Adolescents and Young Adults
    Hypertension in the Developing World
    Diagnostic Evaluation of Pediatric Hypertension
    Sequelae of Hypertension in Children and Adolescents
    Cardiovascular Assessment of Childhood Hypertension
    The Role of ABPM in Evaluation of Hypertensive Target-Organ Damage
    Exercise Testing in Hypertension and Hypertension in Athletes
    Nonpharmacologic Treatment of Pediatric Hypertension
    Pharmacologic Treatment of Pediatric Hypertension
    Management of Hypertensive Emergencies
    Hypertension Care during Emergencies and Pandemics
    Hypertensive Models and Their Relevance to Pediatric Hypertension
    Cohort Studies, Meta-analyses, and Clinical Trials in Childhood Hypertension
    Changes in Drug Development Regulations and Their Impact on Clinical Trials.
    Digital Access Springer 2023