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  • Book
    Christopher B. Oakley, editor.
    Summary: Pediatric headache is the most common neurological complaint that presents to the general pediatrician, urgent care and emergency rooms, and to pediatric neurology. Despite how common headaches are in the pediatric population and how many children continue to suffer from their headaches on a daily basis, there remains a tremendous disconnect for those tasked with being the first-line providers (general pediatric providers). This stems from the fact that headache patients can be so variable and challenging, with numerous comorbid concerns, all the while requiring an individualized treatment approach without a cure. The purpose of this proposed book is to help foster a better understanding of how to approach, assess, and ultimately treat pediatric headache for the general pediatric provider in an attempt to make what once was a daunting, overwhelming complaint from patients and their families into something each general pediatric provider can conquer with confidence. With the aid of experts in the field of pediatric headache, this book will begin by providing the foundation as to what types of headaches, primary and secondary as well as their precursors, are commonly seen in the pediatric population. From there, the focus will turn to when should the provider worry about a patient who presents with headaches. The clinic visit -- from the history to the pertinent exam -- will be reviewed in depth to help distinguish between primary and secondary headaches as well as who warrants an evaluation. Additionally, comorbid concerns will be covered as these may have direct impact on the evaluation and subsequent treatments offered. The next section will delve into the treatment of pediatric headache with a comprehensive approach covering everything from lifestyle to complementary and alternative therapies/treatments, to medications, both acute and prophylactic. Other more specialized treatment options such as procedures and devices will also be discussed albeit these options are more likely to be offered by a specialist rather than a general provider. A subsequent section will highlight the unique challenges for the older adolescent patients as they transition into young adulthood. The closing section will highlight the future of pediatric headache.

    Section 1: Introductory Overview
    Chapter 01: Historical Overview of Pediatric Headache
    Chapter 03: Migraine Precursors in the Pediatric Population
    Chapter 04: Other Primary Headaches Commonly Seen in Pediatrics (tension-type, cluster, TACs)
    Chapter 05
    Chronic Daily Headaches in Pediatrics
    Section 2: When To Worry and How to Evaluate the Pediatric Headache Patient
    Chapter 06: The Clinic Visit: From History and Exam to When and How to Evaluate a Pediatric Headache Patient
    Section 3: Comorbid Concerns in the Pediatric Headache Patients
    Chapter 07: Neurologic and Psychiatric Comorbidities in Pediatric Headache Patients
    Chapter 08: Dysautonomia and Atopy in Pediatric Headache Patients
    Section 4: Treatment of Pediatric Headache A Multi-Tiered Approach
    Chapter 09: Lifestyle Modifications and Complimentary/Alternative Therapies
    Chapter 10
    Prophylactic and Acute Pharmacology for Pediatric Headache
    Section 5: Conclusions
    Chapter 11: Transitioning from Pediatric to Adulthood with Regard to Headaches and Their Subsequent Care
    Chapter 12: Future of Pediatric Headache Where Do We Go From Here?
    Digital Access Springer 2022