BookMili Doshi, Andrew Geddis-Regan, editors.
Summary: This book aims to provide the dental team with an improved understanding of management of the oral health needs of the ageing population, in whom increasing cognitive, medical and physical disabilities impact significantly on oral health and dental care needs. All significant aspects of caring for older people are covered. The nature and implications of changing demographics are explained and information provided on common medical co-morbidities and the impact of cognitive conditions, including dementia, on dental treatment. The changing pattern of dental disease in older people is clearly described, with explanation of the consequences of these changes for periodontics, endodontics, prosthodontics, and implantology. Advice is given on considerations to be borne in mind during treatment planning, including the importance of prevention and utilization of dental care professionals. Provision of care for older people under general anaesthesia or sedation and domiciliary care are also covered. The book is written by specialist practicing clinicians and delivers information in an accessible way with a person-centered approach.
Introduction Why are the Needs of the Older Patient Different?
Changing Demographics of Ageing and the Implications - Relationship to General Health and Well-Being
Lived Experiences of Ageing and Quality of Life
Medical Complications in the Older Population
Cognitive Impairment and Dementia in the Older Population
Dental Changes with Increasing Age
Dental Treatment of Older People
Surgical Management in Older People Including Those on Bisphosphonates/Anticoagulants
Treatment Planning in Palliative Care
Providing Care under Local Anaesthesia, Sedation and General Anaesthesia
Dental Care in a Domiciliary Setting
Oral Care and Prevention
Research in Older People.