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  • Book
    Hsun-Liang (Albert) Chan, Diego Velasquez-Plata, editors.
    Summary: This book compiles all relevant information regarding fundamental concepts and advanced techniques related to the applications of minimally invasive procedures in periodontal and implant therapy facilitated with the operating microscope. Microsurgical therapy, wound healing principles as well as biomechanical and design aspects of micro-instruments and suturing armamentarium are discussed. The book offers information that is usually scattered in the dental and medical literature and not only hard to compile but also to frame in the appropriate clinical categories. Its unique emphasis on ergonomics (patient, operator and assistant positioning) and collaboration techniques like four to six hand assisting make this work unique. Each topic is discussed by world renowned experts in the field. The book is a valuable resource for the dental society including general dentists, periodontists, oral surgeons and implantologists.

    A Tribute to Dennis A. Shanelec, DDS: The Father of Periodontal Microsurgery
    Introduction to Microsurgery
    1 Introduction
    2 History of Operating Microscope in Medicine
    3 History of Operating Microscope in Dentistry
    4 History of OM in Periodontology and Implant Dentistry
    5 Advantages of Using OM in Surgical Dentistry
    6 Current Trends that Favor Using OM
    7 Future Directions
    8 Conclusion
    9 Key Points
    The Impact of a Minimally Invasive Approach on Oral Wound Healing
    1 Introduction 2 An Overview of the Biological Pathways to Mucosal Wound Repair and Regeneration
    2.1 Inflammation Phase (First Stage of Mucosal Wound Healing)
    2.2 Proliferation Phase (Second Stage of Mucosal Wound Healing)
    2.2.1 Epithelialization
    2.2.2 Angiogenesis
    2.2.3 Granulation Tissue Formation
    2.3 Remodeling Phase (Third Stage of Mucosal Wound Healing)
    3 Impact of the Microsurgical Technique on the Healing Process of Oral Mucosal Wounds: Clinical Results and Potential Triggers for Enhanced Healing 3.1 Scientific Evidence of Improved Outcomes After Periodontal Plastic Microsurgeries: Some Critical Comments about the Clinical Relevance of the Results
    3.2 The Interconnectedness of the Microsurgical Technique with the Healing Process of Mucosal Wounds
    3.2.1 Influence of Modified (Minimal-Invasive) Incision Designs on Wound Stability and Wound Integrity
    3.2.2 Healing of Periodontal Wounds Created by Traditional, but Microsurgically Modified Flap Designs
    4 How to Translate Findings from Basic Research into Clinical Success? 4.1 Incision Design and Wound Healing from a Histological and Physiological Perspective
    4.2 Micromechanical Properties of the Extracellular Matrix of the Oral Mucosa and the Blood Clot after Wounding
    4.2.1 Micromechanical Aspects of Oral Mucosal Tissues
    4.2.2 Micromechanical Aspects of the Blood Clot during Healing
    4.3 Microsurgically Controlled Instrument Handling and its Impact on Tissue Mechanotransduction
    5 Closing Remarks
    6 Key Points
    Fundamentals of the Operating Microscope
    1 Introduction
    2 Magnification
    3 Loupes 4 Loupes Versus Operating Microscope
    5 Parts and Functions of a Surgical Microscope
    5.1 The Body of the Microscope
    5.1.1 Microscope Eyepieces
    5.1.2 Binocular Tube Head
    5.1.3 Co-Observation
    5.1.4 Microscope Objective Lens
    5.1.5 Microscope Magnification Changer or Zoom system
    5.1.6 Focusing
    5.2 Light Source
    5.2.1 Illumination
    5.2.2 Augmented Visualization
    5.3 The Suspension System
    5.4 Imaging Systems and Documentation Devices
    6 Conclusions
    7 Glossary
    8 Key Points
    Design and Ergonomics of Microsurgical Instruments
    Digital Access Springer 2022
  • Article
    Beckmann R.
    Klin Padiatr. 1978 Nov;190(6):531-9.
    The aetiology and pathogenesis of the Duchenne-type muscular dystrophy (pseudohypertrophic muscular dystrophy) are still largely unknown. The possibilities of treating the disease are rather limited. Treatment is the more successful, the earlier diagnosis was possible, and the earlier treatment is initiated. The CK-Screening Test is an important aid for early diagnosis. The CK-Screening Test is also valuable for genetic consultation and advice, because it helps to identify women who are conductors or carriers of the disease. Current hypotheses on aetiology and pathogenesis are mentioned. Progress made in the fields of biochemistry, including enzyme histochemistry, and electron microscopy, raise hopes of finding more efficient therapeutic possibilities in the future. The many interests of patients with muscular diseases are being looked after by the European Alliance of Muscular Dystrophy Associations (EAMDA). Thirteen European associations are members of this organisation, including the German association "Bekämpfung der Muskelkrankheiten e.V." The number of sponsoring members of the EAMDA is at present about 300,000. 3 international congresses have already been held on the problems of muscular diseases. The fourth congress is scheduled to take place in Montreal in 1978.
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