BookPaolo Palatini, Enrico Agabiti-Rosei, Giuseppe Mancia, editors.
Summary: This book presents the current knowledge on the mechanisms by which exercise lowers blood pressure in hypertension and on its effects on the heart and arteries. In addition, it focuses on the optimal exercise protocols, the international consensus on clinical implementation, and the clinical indications for special populations (obese, diabetic etc). It also addresses possible drawbacks of exercise on left ventricular structure and function. Many experts in epidemiology, patophysiology and clinical research have contributed in preparing the chapters, with the main purpose of guiding clinicians in the optimal application of the present knowledge and to stimulate scientists to fill the gaps in knowledge by performing further research. The book is addressed not only to specialists in Hypertension, Internal Medicine, Cardiology, Metabolism, and Nephrology, but also to general practitioners and all healthcare professionals working in the field of rehabilitation medicine.
Haemodynamics of Exercise Testing and Sports Activities
Effect of Physical Activity on Blood Pressure and Prevention of Hypertension
Effect of Regular Exercise on Autonomic Nervous System Activity
Endothelial Function and Physical Exercise: A Key to Cardiovascular Protection?
Exercise and Microcirculation in Hypertension
Effect of Regular Physical Activity on Arterial Distensibility
Physiological Versus Pathological Left Ventricular Hypertrophy in the Hypertensive Athlete
Atrial Fibrillation and Sports: Still a Challenging Problem
Metabolic Syndrome: Effect of Physical Activity on Arterial Elasticity.