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  • Book
    Arnold J. Wilkins, Bruce J.W. Evans.
    Summary: This book provides an overview of the research surrounding the relevance of visual factors for those who struggle with reading. Visual interventions that have been advocated as helping with reading include spectacles that simply correct refractive errors (e.g., long-sightedness), coloured overlays (sheets placed on the page) and coloured lenses, vision therapy, and computer games. This book explains the rationale behind these interventions and discusses the evidence supporting them. Clear advice is given in plain English to those wondering if these interventions will be helpful. Vision, Reading Difficulties, and Visual Stress, 2nd Edition draws together disparate research findings in a range of neurological disorders where vision is compromised by cortical hyperexcitability. Optometrists, orthoptists, ophthalmologists, educational psychologists, teachers, and vision scientists will find this book to be an interesting resource as well as students in these disciplines and parents of children who struggle with reading.

    Chapter 1 Introduction
    Chapter 2 Refractive errors & ocular health
    Chapter 3 Binocular vision and accommodative anomalies
    Chapter 4 Eye movements, dominant eye, behavioral optometry, balance and cerebro-vestibular treatments
    Chapter 5 The magnocellular-dorsal (M-D) deficit and associated theories
    Chapter 6 Coloured filters
    early studies
    Chapter 7 Do coloured filters work?
    Chapter 8 How do coloured filters work?
    Chapter 9 Coloured filters: clinical tools
    Chapter 10 Clinical protocol Chapter 11 Other potential uses of precision tints
    Chapter 12 Research priorities and practice
    Appendix 1: Guidance for eye care professionals concerning publicity on dyslexia, visual stress, and related conditions
    Appendix 2: Information to help publishers
    Appendix 3: Additional resources
    Digital Access Springer 2022