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  • Book
    Ajay Garg, Anil Dewan.
    Summary: This book is a one-stop resource on all the critical aspects of planning and designing hospitals, one of the most complex healthcare projects to undertake. A well-planned and designed hospital should control infection rate, provide safety to patients, caregivers and visitors, help improve patients' recovery and have scope for future expansion and change. Reinforcing these basic principles, guidance on such effective planning and designing is the key focus. Readers are offered insights into eliminating shortcomings at every stage of setting up a hospital which may not be feasible to rectify later on through alterations. Chapters from 1 to 12 of the book provide exhaustive notes on initial planning, such as detailed project reports, feasibility studies, and area calculation. Chapters 13 to 27 include designing and layout of all the essential departments/units such as OPD, emergency, intermediate care, diagnostics, operating rooms, and intensive care units. Chapters 28 to 37 cover designing support services like sterilization department, pharmacy, medical gas pipeline, kitchen, laundry, medical record, and mortuary. Chapters 38 to 48 take the readers through planning other services like air-conditioning and ventilation, fire safety, extra low voltage, mechanical, electrical, and plumbing services. Chapter 49 is for the planning of medical equipment. A particular chapter on "Green" hospital designing is included. This book is a single essential tabletop reference for hospital consultants, medical and hospital administrators, hospital designers, architecture students, and hospital promoters.

    Section one - Hospital planning: phases of hospital planning and designing
    Inception of the idea
    Factors assessing feasibility of the hospital planning
    Preparation of detailed project report (dpr) and techno-commercial feasibility report (tcfr) for hospital
    Site selection for hospital
    General issues to be considered while designing hospital building
    Area requirement & planning
    Section two - Schematic design of hospital: schematic design
    Effects of covid-19 on the design of the hospital
    Site plan
    Detailed engineering drawings
    Section three - Construction documents
    Preparation of construction documents
    Section four - Design & development
    Designing details of department or spaces of the hospital
    Design of the main entrance gate to the hospital
    Entrance lobby of the hospital
    Emergency services
    Outpatient department
    Intensive care units
    Operation theatre suite
    Delivery room / labor room
    Intermediate care area (patient rooms)
    Clinical laboratories
    Blood bank
    Other investigation & procedures
    Radiation therapy
    Rehabilitation & allied health therapies
    Pharmacy unit
    Central sterilization supply department
    Piped medical gas supply system (mgps)
    Hospital kitchen
    Medical record department (mrd)
    Administration area
    Stores in the hospital
    Engineering & maintenance unit
    Section five - Mep planning & designing
    Hvac (air-conditioning) system
    Electrical services
    Elv, ict and ibms services
    Information technology & computerization
    Water supply & drainage system
    Vertical transportation system
    Pneumatic tube systems (pts)
    Signage system
    Bio-medical waste management
    Fire safety
    Green hospitals
    Section six - Equipment planning.
    Digital Access Springer 2022