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  • Book
    Monique Kornell ; with contributions by Thisbe Gensler, Naoko Takahatake, Erin Travers.
    Summary: "Focused on the intersection of science and art, this book explores themes of anatomy from the Renaissance to modern times"-- Provided by publisher.

    The Illustration of Anatomy / Monique Kornell
    The Living Dead: Animated Anatomy / Monique Kornell
    Artists and Anatomy Books / Monique Kornell
    Anatomy and the Antique / Monique Kornell
    "As Large as Nature": Life-Size Anatomical Illustration / Monique Kornell
    Surface Anatomy: From the Inside Out / Monique Kornell
    Restricted Access: The Body, Sex, and Reproduction in Frederik Ruysch's Anatomical Collection and Catalogs / Erin Travers
    Interior Visions: Representing the Body in Three Dimensions / Thisbe Gensler
    Catalog / Thisbe Gensler, Monique Kornell, Naoko Takahatake, and Erin Travers.
    Print Access Request
    Call Number
    Books: History - LC Classification (Downstairs)
    NC760 .F59 2022