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  • Book
    Felix H. Savoie III, Emilio Calvo, Augustus D. Mazzocca, editors.
    Summary: Rotator cuff surgery is currently the most common surgical procedure involving the shoulder. Unfortunately despite major technical advances, there is still a significant rate of failure of primary rotator cuff repair, ranging from 10% to 40%. This book describes the diagnosis, classification, assessment, and management of failed rotator cuff repairs. It also explores the etiology of the failed repairs, presents a series of treatment options, and discusses the complications. In a multidisciplinary format it addresses both how to prevent failure and how to diagnose and manage the failed rotator cuff, including imaging, laboratory testing, nutrition, surgery and rehabilitation. This comprehensive book, published in collaboration with ISAKOS, appeals to all stakeholders in orthopedic medicine and surgery.

    Part I: Basic Science
    1: The Failed Rotator Cuff: Diagnosis and Management-Rotator Cuff Anatomy/Blood Supply
    1.1 Supraspinatus Muscle
    1.1.1 Structure and Humeral Insertions
    1.1.2 Innervation
    1.1.3 Blood Supply
    1.1.4 Variations
    1.2 Subscapularis Muscle
    1.2.1 Structure and Humeral Insertions
    1.2.2 Innervation
    1.2.3 Blood Supply
    1.2.4 Variations
    1.3 Infraspinatus
    1.3.1 Structure and Humeral Insertions
    1.3.2 Innervation
    1.3.3 Blood Supply
    1.3.4 Variations
    1.4 Teres Minor Muscle 1.4.1 Structure and Humeral Insertions
    1.4.2 Innervation
    1.4.3 Blood Supply
    1.4.4 Variations
    1.5 Conclusion
    2: Failed Rotator Cuff Repairs: Building an International Perspective
    2.1 Introduction
    2.2 Definitions in the Literature
    2.3 Subjective Failure
    2.3.1 The Literature Reports Several Subjective Aspects of RCR Failure Worsening of Preoperative Clinical Status Patients Can Consider Persistent Pain as Failure Postoperative Stiffness Loss of Strength Pseudoparalysis Inability to Return to Work
    2.4 Objective Failure
    2.4.1 Table of Failure Criteria
    2.5 Conclusion
    3: Biomechanical Consequences of Rotator Cuff Tears on the Glenohumeral Joint
    3.1 Introduction
    3.2 Biomechanics of the Intact Glenohumeral Joint
    3.2.1 The Concept of Concavity Compression
    3.2.2 Muscular Force Couples and the Concept of the Suspension Bridge Model
    3.3 Biomechanical Consequences of Rotator Cuff Tears
    3.4 Conclusion
    4: The Failed Rotator Cuff: Diagnosis and Management-New Concepts in Biology of Repair 4.1 Introduction
    4.2 Biologic Adjuvants for Repair Augmentation
    4.2.1 Platelet-Rich Plasma Basic Science Evidence Clinical Outcomes
    4.3 Cell-Based Therapies
    4.4 Concentrated Bone Marrow Aspirate (BMAC)
    4.4.1 Basic Science Evidence
    4.4.2 Clinical Outcomes
    4.5 Subacromial Bursa-Derived Cells (SBDCs): The Future?
    4.5.1 Basic Science Evidence
    4.5.2 Clinical Experience and Future
    4.6 Further Considerations
    4.7 Summary
    5: Reasons for Structural Failure of Rotator Cuff Repair
    References 6: Imaging of Failed Rotator Cuff Tears
    6.1 Introduction
    6.2 Imaging Modalities
    6.2.1 Radiography
    6.2.2 Ultrasonography (US)
    6.2.3 Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
    6.2.4 Magnetic Resonance Arthrography (MRA)
    6.2.5 Computed Tomography (CT)
    6.3 Expected Findings
    6.3.1 Artefacts
    6.3.2 Osseous Findings
    6.3.3 Soft Tissue Findings
    6.4 Pathologic Findings
    6.4.1 Recurrent Tear
    6.4.2 Displacement of Suture Anchors
    6.4.3 Infection
    6.4.4 Iatrogenic Injuries
    6.4.5 Diagnostic Errors
    Digital Access Springer 2021
  • Article
    Oppelt A, Sliz K, Martínek V, Jirka J.
    Czech Med. 1978;1(2):91-8.
    Dynamic scintigraphy, a non-invasive method, is suitable due to its sparing procedure in particular in clinical conditions where more pretentious examination methods are contraindicated or risky. Very frequently it can serve as a guide for more aimed examination methods. Its diagnostic value is great in particular where pathological conditions of the efferent urinary pathways are concerned, i.e. above all fistulae. In parenchymatous lesions it provides information on focal processes of an inflammatory and non-inflammatory nature. Investigation of both functions, of perfusion and transport of hippuran is sometimes a supplement for the differentiation of ATN and rejection nephropathies. The distribution of perfusion after administration of technetate helps to detect occlusion of the afferent arteries and minor arterioles.
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