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  • Book
    Paul A. Gardner, Carl H. Snyderman, Brian T. Jankowitz.
    Summary: "Vascular injury is the most significant source of morbidity or mortality during skull base surgery, regardless of the surgical approach. While skull base approaches always placed arteries and veins at risk, newer endoscopic endonasal approaches have introduced new challenges for the prevention and management of vascular injury. Greater anatomic knowledge, additional surgical options, improved instrumentation, advances in interventional neuroradiology, and enhanced training all contribute to successful outcomes. Vascular Challenges in Skull Base Surgery by renowned skull base experts Paul A. Gardner, Carl H. Snyderman, Brian T. Jankowitz, and distinguished contributors, fills a gap in the literature, with invaluable guidance on managing rare but potentially catastrophic surgical complications. The full range of surgical approaches to the anterior, middle, and posterior cranial fossae are covered in 22 chapters. Diverse topics encompass open and endoscopic endonasal surgical approaches, endovascular techniques including balloon test occlusion and embolization, and standard and alternative bypass procedures. The last three chapters discuss venous considerations, neurophysiologic monitoring, and the role of training and simulation in vascular injury prevention. Key learning points, illustrated discussion of relevant anatomy, and tips and tricks are targeted at helping skull base surgeons leverage practical strategies to improve patient outcomes"-- Provided by publisher.
    Digital Access
    Thieme MedOne Neurosurgery
    Thieme MedOne Otolaryngology