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  • Book
    editor, Robert A. Sinkin, Christian A. Chisholm
    Summary: The fourth edition of this popular resource features step-by-step skill instruction and practice-focused exercises covering maternal and fetal evaluation and immediate newborn care. Developed by a distinguished editorial board, the Perinatal Continuing Education Program (PCEP) is a comprehensive, self-paced education program in 4 volumes.

    Unit 1: Is the Mother Sick? Is the Fetus Sick?
    Skill Unit: Determining Fetal Presentation With Leopold Maneuvers
    Unit 2: Fetal Age, Growth, and Maturity
    Unit 3: Fetal Well-being
    Skill Unit: Electronic Fetal Monitoring
    Unit 4: Is the Baby Sick? Recognizing and Preventing Problems in the Newborn
    Skill Unit: Electronic Cardiorespiratory Monitoring
    Skill Unit: Pulse Oximetry
    Unit 5: Resuscitating the Newborn
    Skill Unit: Suctioning
    Skill Unit: Management of Oxygen in the Delivery Setting
    Skill Unit: Free-Flow Oxygen and Positive-Pressure Ventilation
    Skill Unit: Endotracheal Intubation
    Skill Unit: Chest Compressions
    Skill Unit: Emergency Medications
    Skill Unit: Apgar Score
    Unit 6: Gestational Age and Size and Associated Risk Factors
    Skill Unit: Estimating Gestational Age by Examination of a Newborn
    Unit 7: Thermal Environment
    Skill Unit: Radiant Warmers
    Skill Unit: Incubators and Neutral Thermal Environment
    Unit 8: Hypoglycemia
    Skill Unit: Blood Glucose Screenings
    Pretest Answer Key
    Digital Access AAP ebooks 2021