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  • Book
    Abdul-Latif Hamdan, Robert Thayer Sataloff, Mary J. Hawkshaw.
    Summary: This volume provides a comprehensive review of causes of voice changes in athletes and coaches, the clinical presentation of laryngeal dysfunction, and its different treatment modalities. The authors discuss the predisposing factors of these changes including the use of anabolic steroids, and highlight the pathophysiology of voice disorders in sports-occupational voice users who very often need to vocalize outdoors and/or while performing strenuous exercise over noise. Chapters cover the literature on vocal health risk factors in the sports industry; the common phonatory disturbances in athletes, fitness instructors and coaches; sports-related laryngeal trauma; the impact of sports-related musculoskeletal injuries on phonation; vocal fold dysfunction in athletes, as well as the adverse effect of anabolic steroids intake on occupational voice users (continued).

    1. Anatomy and Physiology of Voice
    2. Patient History
    3. Physical Examination
    4. Professional Voice Users: An Overview of Medical Disorders and Treatments
    5. Vocal Health Risk Factors in Sports Occupational Voice Users
    6. Voice Disorders in Coaches and Fitness Instructors: Prevalence and Pathophysiology
    7. Sports-Related Musculoskeletal Injuries in Athletes: Implications for Voice
    8. Exercise-Induced Laryngeal Obstruction in Athletes
    9. Laryngeal Trauma in Athletes and its Implication for Voice
    10. Sex Hormone Disturbances in Athletes: Implications for Voice
    11. Voice Health Management in Sports Occupational Voice Users.
    Digital Access Springer 2021