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  • Book
    Abdul Latif Hamdan, Robert Thayer Sataloff, Valerie Trollinger, Mary J. Hawkshaw.
    Summary: This volume provides an eloquent review of the anatomy and physiology of phonation, the work-up of patients with voice disorders, basic evaluation of wind instrument performance and dysfunction, and a full description of the most common skeletal and non-skeletal dentofacial anomalies, including their means of diagnosis and treatment. This is followed by a comprehensive review of literature on the vocal and acoustic features of affected patients, as well as the special considerations in wind instrumentalists. The effect of orthodontic therapy/orthognathic surgery on voice, associated upper airway changes, and wind instruments performance is emphasized. The information provided in this book will heighten the patients', therapists', teachers' and physicians' awareness of the vocal characteristics and wind instrumentalists concerns often associated with these conditions. Dentofacial Anomalies: Implications for Voice and Wind Instrument Performance is addressed to otolaryngologists, laryngologists, speech-language pathologists, voice teachers, professional voice users, wind instrumentalists, instrument teachers, arts medicine physicians, physical therapists, orthodontists and other dentists, as well as members of the general public who are concerned about their voices and or wind instrument playing.

    Part I: Basic Principles of Phonation and Diagnostic Work-up. Clinical Anatomy and Physiology of Voice ; Patient History ; Physical Examination ; Wind Instruments Technique, Function and Evaluation: An Overview
    Part II: Acoustic Properties: Special Considerations in Patients with Dentofacial Anomalies. Orthodonic Disorders and Diagnosis ; The Upper Airway Space in Patients with Dentofacial Anomalies ; Medical Disorders and Treatments in Professional Voice Users and Wind Instrumentalists ; Fundamental Frequency and Dentofacial Anomalies ; Formant Frequencies and Dentofacial Anomalies
    Part III: Orthodontic and Orthognathic Surgery Procedures
    Orthodontic Treatment and Voice and Wind Instrument Performance
    Orthognathic Surgery: Effects on Voice and Wind Instrument Performance.
    Digital Access Springer 2021