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  • Book
    Lars Hangartner, Dennis R. Burton, editors.
    Summary: Vaccines against antigenically stable pathogens, or pathogens that only exist in a limited number of serotypes, have been very successful in the past and have drastically decreased the incidence and lethality of many diseases. However, when it comes to highly variable pathogens or viruses that exist in multiple serotypes, the traditional methods for vaccine development have reached their limits. This volume highlights the development of vaccines against such challenging pathogens. Novel approaches for immunogen design, including structure-guided vaccine development and vaccines targeting glycans, as well as adjuvants and animal models used for testing possible vaccine candidates are outlined and discussed in detail. Given its scope, the book will appeal to scientists in the fields of infectious diseases, microbiology and medicine.

    Successful Vaccines
    Immunogenicity and Immunodominance in Antibody Responses
    Immunogen Design
    Tools to screen vaccines
    Targeting glycans on human pathogens for vaccine design
    BnAbs and highly antigenically variable pathogens.