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  • Book
    Markus Hecker, Dirk J. Duncker, editors.
    Summary: This volume of the series Cardiac and Vascular Biology presents the most relevant aspects of vascular mechanobiology along with many more facets of this fascinating, timely and clinically highly relevant field. Mechanotransduction, mechanosensing, fluid shear stress, hameodynamics and cell fate, are just a few topics to name. All important aspects of vascular mechanobiology in health and disease are reviewed by some of the top experts in the field. This volume, together with a second title on cardiacmechanobiology featured in this series, will be of high relevance to scientists and clinical researchers in the area of vascular biology, cardiology and biomedical engineering.

    Hemodynamics and vascular remodeling
    The biomechanics of venous remodeling
    New kids on the block: the emerging role of YAP/TAZ in vascular cell mechano-transduction
    GPCRs und flow and pressure
    Biomechanics in small artery remodeling
    Contributions of wall stretch and shear stress to vascular regulation: Molecular mechanisms of homeostasis and expansion
    Mechanobiology of lymphatic vessels
    Hemodynamic control of endothelial cell fates in development
    Mechanical regulation of epigenetic modifications in vascular biology and pathobiology
    Mechanosensing and mechanotransduction in pulmonary hypertension
    Mechanobiology of arterial hypertension
    Mechanobiology of atherosclerosis
    Exploitation of vascular mechanobiology for cardiovascular therapy.
    Digital Access Springer 2021