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- BookElena Zamagni, editor.Springer Nature eBook.Summary: This pocket guide provides a concise yet comprehensive overview of the two most prominent clinical features of multiple myeloma (MM), bone disease and renal failure. The first half of the text reviews critical aspects of bone disease in MM, including pathophysiology, the use of imaging modalities and drugs in treatment, and the role of orthopedic surgery in MM. The latter half of the book reviews major components of kidney disease in MM, from pathophysiology to treatment. Written by experts in the field, Management of Bone Disease and Kidney Failure in Multiple Myeloma: A Pocket Guide is a valuable resource for clinicians and practitioners who manage patients afflicted with multiple myeloma.
1. Introduction: Management of Bone Disease and Kidney Failure in Multiple Myeloma
2. The Pathophysiology of Myeloma Bone Disease: Bone Remodelling and the Role of Osteoclasts
3. The Pathophysiology of Myeloma Bone Disease: Role of Osteoblasts and Osteocytes
4. Imaging Techniques in Staging and Early Phases
5. Imaging Techniques for Response Assessment and Follow-up
6. New Perspectives in Imaging Techniques
7. Therapy of Myeloma Bone Disease
8. Orthopedic Management in Multiple Myeloma: What is the Role and When?
9. The Pathophysiology of Kidney Involvement in Multiple Myeloma and Monoclonal-Related Disorders
10. Treatment of Multiple Myeloma with Kidney Involvement. - ArticleMerchant HW, Gangarosa LP, Glassman AB, Sobel RE.Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol. 1978 Jun;45(6):870-5.A double-blind study of the effectiveness of betamethasone-17-benzoate in the treatment of recurrent aphothous ulcers (RAU) was concucted. The drug was found to be effective in reducing symptoms and shortening healing time but not in preventing recurrences. Evaluation of the medical histories and laboratory studies suggests that multiple factors may be involved in the etiology of RAU, as reported by others.