BookEric D. Rosenberg, Alanna S. Nattis, Richard J. Nattis, editors.
Summary: This timely second edition expands upon the first edition, working to provide physicians with a comprehensive review of surgical cases within the field of ophthalmology. Extensive updates have been made to existing chapters, along with new chapters on hot topics in ophthalmology inserted throughout the existing text. Featuring important steps within each surgical case, indications for the procedure, possible complications, and a sample dictation the review serves as both a preparation and debriefing for each surgeon, or surgeon in training, by improving comprehension time, cultivating surgical forethought, and refining post-operative dictations.
Part I Conjunctiva
1. Pterygium Excision with Conjunctival Autograft
2. Pterygium Excision with Conjunctival Pedicle Graft
3. Pterygium Excision with Amniotic Membrane Graft
4. Sealing the Gap with Amniotic Membrane Transplantation for Primary and Recurrent Pterygium
5. Repair of Conjunctivochalasis
6. Restoration of Fornix Tear Reservoir by Amniotic Membrane Transplantation in Conjunctivochalasis
7. Amniotic Membrane Transplantation in StevensJohnson Syndrome
8. Gundersens Conjunctival Flap
Part II Cornea
9. EDTA Chelation for Calcific Band Keratopathy
10. Removal of Salzmanns Nodule and Amniotic Membrane Placement
11. Corneal Cross-Linking
12. Insertion of Intrastromal Corneal Ring Segments (ICRS), Femtosecond Laser Assisted
13. Manual Deep Anterior Lamellar Keratoplasty (Manual DALK)
14. Femtosecond Laser-Assisted Deep Anterior Lamellar Keratoplasty (FSDALK)
15. Descemets Stripping Automated Endothelial Keratoplasty (DSAEK)
16. Descemets Membrane Endothelial Keratoplasty (DMEK)
17. Rebubbling of DMEK Grafts
18. Penetrating Keratoplasty (PKP)
19. Keratoprosthesis
20. Simple Limbal Epithelial Transplant (SLET)
21. Orbit: Neurotrophic Keratopathy (Direct Corneal Neurotization)
Part III Refractive
22. Astigmatic Keratotomy
23. Limbal Relaxing Incision
Part IV Iris
24. Iris Repair (Iridoplasty) Using the Siepser Sliding Knot
25. Iridodialysis Repair: Transcleral Suturing Technique
26. Iridodialysis Repair Using the Sewing Machine Technique
27. Iris Cerclage for Traumatic Mydriasis
Part V Cataract and Advanced Lens Procedures
28. Cataract Extraction, with Intraocular Lens Implant
29. Cataract Extraction, Femtosecond Laser Assisted
30. Cataract Extraction, the Use of Iris Hooks for Intraoperative Floppy Iris Syndrome (IFIS)
31. Cataract Extraction, Malyugin Ring
32. Cataract Extraction, Extracapsular (ECCE)
33. Cataract Extraction Requiring Vitrectomy due to Violation of the Posterior Capsule with Lens Implantation (Optic Capture, in the Bag, Sulcus, and ACIOL)
34. Iris-Enclavated Intraocular Lens Implantation
35. IOL Explantation with Iris-Enclavated Intraocular Lens Implantation
36. Repair and Centration of Dislocated IOL Using McCannel Suture Technique
37. Intraocular Lens Exchange
38. Phakic IOL Removal and Cataract Extraction
39. Glued Intrascleral Haptic Fixation of an Intraocular Lens
40. Intrascleral Haptic-Fixated IOL Implantation
41. Scleral Suturing and Fixation of a Dislocated Intraocular Lens
Part VI Combined Cataract and Glaucoma Procedures
42. Cataract Extraction, Endocyclophotocoagulation, and Goniosynechialysis
43. Target Placement of iStent inject Combined with Phacoemulsification
44. iStent Inject in Combination with Cataract Surgery
45. Cataract Extraction and iStent Inject Trabecular Bypass Device
46. Xen Gel Stent and Cataract Extraction
47. Cataract Extraction and Hydrus Microstent Implantation
48. PreserFlo Microshunt and Cataract Extraction
49. Canaloplasty and Cataract Extraction
50. Cataract Extraction and Gonioscopy-assisted Transluminal Trabeculotomy
51. Baerveldt Drainage Shunt with Scleral Patch Graft and Cataract Extraction
52. Ahmed Glaucoma Valve with Scleral Patch Graft and Cataract Extraction
53. Molteno Tube Shunt with Pericardial Patch Graft
54. Cataract Extraction with Gold Metal Shunt (GMS) Implant
Part VII Filtering and Glaucoma
55. Laser Table
56. Laser Peripheral Iridotomy
57. Laser Peripheral Iridoplasty
58. Transswcleral Diode Laser Cyclophotocoagulation (CPC)
59. Micropulse Trans-scleral Cyclophotocoagulation (mTSCPC)
60. Laser Trabeculoplasty
61. Cyclocryotherapy
62. Goniosynechialysis
63. Trabectome (Trabeculectomy Ab Interno)
64. Goniotomy and Exam Under Anesthesia (EUA)
65. Trabeculotomy and Exam Under Anesthesia (EUA)
66. Trabeculectomy
67. Gonioscopy-assisted Transluminal Trabeculotomy
68. Target Placement of Multiple iStents
69. PreserFlo Microshunt
70. XEN Gel Stent
71. ExPress Shunt Filtration Procedure
72. Baerveldt Drainage Shunt with Scleral Patch Graft
73. Glaucoma Drainage Device (Ahmed Valve FP-7)
74. Viscocanalostomy
75. Canaloplasty
76. Deep Sclerectomy with Collagen Implant
77. Gold Metal Shunt (GMS) Implant
Part VIII Pediatrics and Strabismus
78. Nasolacrimal Duct Probing
79. Lacrimal Intubation
80. Bilateral Lateral Rectus Recession (BLR)
81. Recession and Resection (R&R)
82. Bilateral Medial Rectus Recession (BMR)
83. Bilateral Inferior Oblique and Lateral Rectus Recession
84. Vertical and Horizontal Muscle Recessions With and Without Adjustable Suture
85. Hummelsheim Transposition for Complete Paralytic Sixth Nerve Palsy
86. Inferior Oblique Anteriorization
87. Inferior Oblique Myotomy
88. Superior Oblique Tuck
89. Adjustable Suture Modifier
90. Harada-Ito
91. Partial Tendon Recession for Small-angle Vertical Strabismus
92. Lateral Transposition of the Superior and Inferior Rectus Muscles for 6th Nerve Palsy with/without Foster Augmentation
93. Jensens Procedure
94. Vertical Transposition of the Horizontal Recti (Knapp Procedure)
95. Surgical Optical Iridectomy
96. Surgical Posterior Capsulotomy with Anterior Vitrectomy
97. Secondary Intraocular Lens Implant with Soemmering Ring Debulking
Part IX Retina and Vitreous
98. Panretinal Photocoagulation (PRP)
99. Focal Macular Laser
100. Laser Retinopexy
101. Intravitreal Injection
102. Pneumatic Retinopexy 1
103. Pneumatic Retinopexy 2
104. Pars Plana Vitrectomy
105. Evacuation of Vitreous Hemorrhage via Pars Plana Vitrectomy
106. Pars Plana Vitrectomy for Infectious Endophthalmitis
107. Pars Plana Vitrectomy and Pars Plana Lensectomy for Retained Lens Fragments
108. IOL Exchange with Gore-Tex Scleral Fixation of an Akreos Adapt AO
109. Secondary Scleral Fixation of 3-piece Intraocular Lens Using 27-gauge Vitrectomy Trocars
110. Repair of Macular Hole
111. Internal Limiting Membrane Peel
112. Removal of Epiretinal Membrane (ERM Peel)
113. Repair of Retinal Detachment via Pars Plana Vitrectomy (C3F8/SF6/Oil)
114. Repair of Tractional Retinal Detachment
115. Repair of Retinal Detachment with Giant Retinal Tear
116. Scleral Buckling for Primary Retinal Detachment 1
117. Scleral Buckling for Primary Retinal Detachment 2
118. Scleral Buckling for Rhegmatogenous Retinal Detachment
119. Scleral Buckle with Vitrectomy
120. Removal of Silicone Oil Following PPV and Retinal Detachment Repair
121. Drainage of Suprachoroidal Hemorrhage
Part X Occuloplastics and Orbit
122. Orbit: One-Wal (Medial) Decompression
123. Orbit: Two-Wall (Medial and Floor) Decompression
124. Orbit: Three-Wall (Medial, Floor, and Lateral) Decompression
125. Orbit: Canthal Advancement and Balanced Orbital Decompression
126. Orbit: Dermis Fat Graft (DFG) for Orbital Volume Augmentation
127. Orbit: Lacrimal Gland Biopsy
128. Orbit: Lacrimal Gland Resuspension
129. Orbit: Percutaneous Sclerotherapy
130. Orbit: Eye Socket Reconstruction with Mucous Membrane Graft
131. Orbit: Enucleation
132. Orbit: Evisceration
133. Orbit: Orbital Exenteration with Split-Thickness Skin Graft
134. Orbit: Orbital Exenteration (Subtotal/Total/Extended)
135. Eyelid: Blepharoplasty, Upper Lid
136. Eyelid: Levator Resection
137. Eyelid: External Levator Resection
138. Eyelid: Levator Advancement
139. Eyelid: Conjunctival Mullerectomy
140. Eyelid: Conjunctival Mullers Muscle Resection (CMMR)
141. Eyelid: Frontalis Suspension
142. Eyelid: Transverse Everting Sutures (Quickert-Rathbun Sutures, Three-Suture Technique)
143. Eyelid: Entropion Repair (Internal)
144. Eyelid: Entropion Repair (External)
145. Eyelid: Ectropion Repair FTSG (Cicatricial)
146. Eyelid: Ectropion Repair, Tarsal Strip (Involutional)
147. Eyelid: Medial Ectropion Repair
148. Eyelid: Lateral Tarsal Strip with Medial Spindle for Ectropion Repair with Punctal Eversion
149. Eyelid: Lateral Canthotomy
150. Eyelid: Lateral Canthopexy
151. Eyelid: Floppy Eyelid Syndrome Repair (Wedge Resection)
152. Eyelid: Chalazion Incision and Drainage (I&D)
153. Eyelid: Wedge Resection for Eyelid Lesion
154. Eyelid: Temporary Tarsorrhaphy
155. Eyelid: Gold Weight Implantation
156. Levator Recession
157. Hard Palate Graft for Lower Eyelid Retraction Repair
158. Browpexy
159. Direct Brow Lift
160. Coronal Brow Lift
161. Internal Lateral Browpexy
162. Temporal Artery Biopsy
163. Botulinum Toxin Treatment of Benign Essential Blepharospasm (BEB) and Hemifacial Spasm
164. Optic Nerve Sheath Fenestration
165. Hughes Tarsoconjunctival Flap 1
166. Hughes Tarsoconjunctival Flap 2
167. Free Tarsal Graft
168. Anterior Lamellar Repositioning
169. Tenzel Semicircular Flap
170. O-to Z Plasty
171. Glabellar Flap
172. Punctoplasty
173. Probing of the Nasolacrimal Duct
174. Lacrimal System Intubation (Bicanalicular)
175. Lacrimal System Intubation (Monocanalicular)
176. Balloon Dacryocystoplasty
177. Conjunctivodacryocystorhinostomy (CDCR)
178. External Dacryocystorhinostomy 1 (DCR)
179. External Dacryocystorhinostomy 2 (DCR)
180. Endoscopic Dacryocystorhinostomy (DCR)
Part XI Cosmetic Surgery
181. Facelift: Deep Plane
182. Facelift, Plication
183. Endoscopic Brow Lift
184. Ablative Laser Resurfacing (CO2)
185. Cosmetic Botulinum Toxin Treatment
186. Cosmetic Tissue Filler Treatment
187. Dermis Fat Graft (DFG) for Superior Sulcus Volumetric Rejuvenation
Part XII Trauma
188. Eyelid Laceration Repair, Superficial and Deep
189. Repair of Marginal Laceration
190. Repair of Canali.