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  • Book
    Nima Rezaei, editor.
    Summary: This translational, clinically oriented book describes in detail novel approaches to cancer immunotherapy, current strategies to target tumor immunosuppression, and prognostic biomarkers for personalized cancer treatments. Since the first, very successful edition of the book was published in 2015, the original chapters have been significantly updated and entirely new chapters are included on, for example, cancer immunoprevention, aptamer-mediated cancer gene therapy, haploidentical bone marrow transplantation for pediatric malignancies, and nanoimmunotherapy. The book is published as part of the three-volume Springer series Cancer Immunology, which aims to provide an up-to-date, clinically relevant review of cancer immunology and immunotherapy. Other volumes in the series address the translational medicine context and cancer immunotherapy for organ-specific tumors. Cancer Immunology: Bench to Bedside Immunotherapy of Cancers will be of special value to clinical immunologists, hematologists, and oncologists.

    Frontiers in Cancer Immunotherapy
    Novel Strategy of Cancer Immunotherapy: Spiraling Up
    Novel Prognostic Biomarkers for Personalized Cancer Treatments
    Tumor Antigen and Epitope Identification for Pre-Clinical and Clinical Evaluation
    Strategies to Target Tumor Immunesuppression
    Immune Modulation of Drugs in Prevention and Treatment of Cancers
    Overcoming Immune Tolerance With Immune Checkpoint Blockade
    Gene therapy and Virus-Based Cancer Vaccines
    Cancer Stem Cells: Biology and Potential therapeutic Applications
    Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation and Lymphodepletion in Treatment of Cancers
    Combination of Chemotherapy and Cytokine Therapy in Treatment of Cancers
    T Cell Immunotherapy: From Synthetic Biology to Clinical Practice
    Role of Gamma-Delta T Lymphocytes in Cancer Immunosurveillance and Immunotherapy
    Adoptive T Cell therapy: Optimizing Chemokine Receptor-Mediated Homing of T Cells in Cancer Immunotherapy
    Cellular therapy of Cancer With B Effector Cells
    Monoclonal Antibodies for Treatment of Cancers
    Pattern Recognition Receptors in Cancers and Immunotherapy by Triggering or Targeting of Toll Like Receptors Pathway
    Recent Advances in the Use of NK Cells Against Cancer
    Dendritic Cell Vaccines for Cancer Therapy: Fundamentals and Clinical Trials
    Tumor Associated Macrophages and iNOS in Cancer Immunotherapy
    Photodynamic therapy and Anti-Tumor Immune Response
    Polarization of Tumor Milieu: Therapeutic Implications
    Immunotherapies Targeting 5T4 Oncofoetal Glycoprotein
    Immune Monitoring During Clinical Development of Anti-CTLA-4 Antibody Therapy
    PD-1 Blockade in Cancer Therapy
    New Advances in Radioimmunotherapy for the Treatment of Cancers
    Psychoneuroendocrinoimmunotherapy of Cancers
    Ethical Considerations in Cancer Immunotherapy.
    Digital Access Springer 2021