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  • Book
    Tianjun Wang.
    Summary: This book systematically introduces the Brain in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and its acupuncture treatments. It discusses the origin and development of the TCM Brain theory, and presents current research on brain and acupuncture, the unique brain related techniques such as scalp acupuncture and Dao-qi technique, the new developing acupuncture treatment methods for brain-related conditions, such as stroke, Parkinson's, dementia, Alzheimer's disease, multiple sclerosis, traumatic brain injury, autism, cerebral palsy and depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder among others. This book is of interest to TCM and acupuncture practitioners in the West, as well as acupuncture researchers and lecturers. It gives a new understanding of the brain and treatments for brain-related conditions from a complementary medicine point of view.

    Part One. Acupuncture for Brain, Introduction and Theory
    1. Brain in original Traditional Chinese Medicine
    2. Acupuncture and The Brain Current Understanding
    3. Acupuncture Research and the Brain
    4. Acupuncture Brain. physiology and Pathology
    5. Scalp acupuncture
    6. Dao qi acupuncture technique
    7. Abdominal acupuncture
    8. Other Commonly used acupuncture techniques for Brain conditions
    9. Commonly used Herb formulas for Brain Conditions
    10. The Chinese View--Preserving a Healthy Functioning Brain
    11. Stroke
    12. Parkinson's disease
    13. Dementia and Alzheimer's disease
    14. Multiple Sclerosis
    15. Brain Injuries
    16. Cerebral palsy and Brain retardation.
    17. Other neurological conditions
    18. Depression
    19. Anxiety
    20. Bipolar Disease
    21. Autism
    22. Other psychological conditions
    23. Other brain related conditions
    Digital Access Springer 2021