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  • Book
    edited by Samuel Myers and Howard Frumkin.
    Summary: Human health depends on the health of the planet. Earth's natural systems--the air, the water, the biodiversity, the climate--are our life support systems. Yet climate change, biodiversity loss, scarcity of land and freshwater, pollution and other threats are degrading these systems. The emerging field of planetary health aims to understand how these changes threaten our health and how to protect ourselves and the rest of the biosphere. Planetary Health: Protecting Nature to Protect Ourselves provides a readable introduction to this new paradigm. With an interdisciplinary approach, the book addresses a wide range of health impacts felt in the Anthropocene, including food and nutrition, infectious disease, non-communicable disease, dislocation and conflict, and mental health. It also presents strategies to combat environmental changes and its ill-effects, such as controlling toxic exposures, investing in clean energy, improving urban design, and more.

    Front Cover
    About Island Press
    Title Page
    Copyright Page
    List of Tables
    List of Boxes
    Preface: A Note on Covid-19
    Part 1: Foundations
    1. An Introduction to Planetary Health
    2. Assembling Planetary Health: Histories of the Future
    3. Population, Consumption, Equity, and Rights
    4. A Changing Planet
    Part 2: The Health of Populations
    5. Food and Nutrition on a Rapidly Changing Planet
    6. Planetary Health and Infectious Disease
    7. Global Environmental Change and Noncommunicable Disease Risks
    8. Environmental Change, Migration, Conflict, and Health
    9. Mental Health on a Changing Planet
    10. Climate Change and Human Health
    11. Happiness on a Healthier Planet
    Part 3: Pivoting from Threat to Opportunity
    12. Energy and Planetary Health
    13. Urban Places and Planetary Health
    14. Controlling Toxic Exposures
    15. A New Economics for Planetary Health
    16. The Business of Planetary Health: From Economic Theory to Policy and Practice
    Part 4: Saving Ourselves, Saving Our Planet
    17. Planetary Health Ethics
    18. A Bright Future for Planetary Health
    Afterword: Coronavirus and Planetary Health
    About the Editors
    Island Press Board of Directors.