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  • Book
    Lourdes M. DelRosso, Raffaele Ferri, editors.
    Summary: This practical text provides knowledge of the basic neuroscience of sleep and sleep disorders as they interrelate with various neurologic conditions. Chapters in the first section cover neural networks involved in normal sleep processes, including dreams and memory. Also discussed are how these neural networks interact in various sleep stages and sleep disorders, such as sleep related movement disorders. The book's second section explores the pathophysiology of sleep disorders in the spectrum of neurologic conditions in both adults and children. This includes sleep changes in patients with dementia, seizures, headaches, and stroke, and other common neurologic disorders. Sleep Neurology fills an important gap in the sleep medicine literature by providing the underpinnings of sleep disorders and will be of great value to students, residents, and clinicians.

    1. Neurobiology of Wakefulness
    2. Neurobiology of Sleep
    3. Neurobiology of the Control of Sleep
    4. The Neurological Consequences of Sleep Deprivation
    5. Neurobiology of Dreams
    6. Neurobiology of Memory and Sleep
    7. Neurobiology of Insomina
    8. Narcolepsy and Central Nervous System Hypersomnias
    9. Neurobiology of Parasominas
    10. Neurobiology of Sleep Related Movements
    11. Sleep in Seziure Disorders
    12. Sleep in Headaches
    13. Sleep in Cerebral Palsy
    14. Sleep and Cerebrovascular Disorder
    15. Sleep in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
    16. Sleep After Traumatic Brain Injury
    17. Disorders of Sleep and Wakefulness in Parkinson's Disease and other Movement Disorders
    18. Sleep in Elderly Adults and in Subjects with Dementia.
    Digital Access Springer 2021